View Full Version : [PSA] Community Clash Sneak Peak : SG vs JENK

2014-01-28, 03:37 PM
Communnity Clash: Sneak Peak
February 5th

Hello there, Planetside Community, iSMG here, starting up a new series that aims to follow the competitive side of Planetside 2. Today’s Installment will be an introduction of sorts, but before I do that. I will think everyone who has made this possible.

First I would like to thank SOE for bring Planetside 2 to your computer system. Kinda new to the game, however everytime I touch my keyboard I am amazed in the action that is possible.
Second, would like to thanks the folks at Planetside Universe, for setting up, hosting, and broadcasting the Community Clash. They have been amazing.
Lastly, Special thinks to 50SHADESOFPURPLE for his stat site, it has been a tremendous help and is the center piece of my knowledge base. stats.dasanfall.com

LEGAL BS*******Without these three, this would not be possible. However for legal reason, I will swear, promise, and cross my heart, that this is for pure sport. I will be doing this for free.*****

Now on to the action!!!
Out of good sport, I will attempt to predict the outcome of each match in the upcoming Community Clash. I will be using stats.dasanfall.com and searching by these metrics within the Last 7 days
Top twelve Score Per Min by any player above lvl 40
Top twelve Kill Death Ratio by any player above lvl 40
Top twelve Infantry vs Infantry by any player above lvl 40
(**** Infantry vs Infantry is a metric that is derived from a players accuracy and headshot rate with sanctioned weapons for use in infantry only combat.)
Top Five Nose gun Pilot Scores by any player above lvl 40
(**** Pilot Score is a metric that is derived from a players accuracy and headshot rate with ESF weaponary)

DISCLAIMER*** This is the best way I know of doing this without each outfits 24 man roster. This accounts for best case situations and does not take into count leadership or seniority.
Now that everything is explained onto the actual outfits


(SG) Sturmgrenadier NC-Mattherson
Created: 2012-11-20
Members: 191

Outfit average Stats
Average Battle Rank: 52
KDR: 1.037
Accuracy: 15.010 %
Score per Min: 192
Infantry Stats:
Top twelve KDR Avg: 2.866333
Top twelve SPM Avg: 298.5833
Top Twelve IVI Avg: 390.774
Top 5 Pilot Score Avg: 1697

(Jenk) Jenks Squad Alpha VS-Connery
Created: 2012-12-23
Member: 815

OutFit Average Stats
Average Battle Rank: 36
KDR: 0.980
Accuracy: 12.715 %
Score Per Min: 162
Infantry Stats
Top Twelve KDR : 3.031917
Top Twelve SPM: 351.4167
Top Twelve IVI: 540.5279
Top 5 Pilots Score Avg: 725
Top Five Pilot Score: 725

iSMG's analysis
At a glance, SG overall outfit numbers look a bit better than JENK overall numbers. With accuracy, SPM and KDR by the slimmest of margin in favor of SG, it seems the slightest edge goes to SG. However when you dive deeper into the stats and a few trends stand out. One Trend is that Jenk's elite (top 12) infantry stats beat SG's in every category measured. However, SG's ESF Pilots seem to have the upper hand on Jenk's. If this stays in the trenches, Jenks dig out a win, however, if this goes airbourne SG might fly away with the victory.

We will see if the trend continues in the Community clash series, where Air decides the outcome of the match, or will a superior infantry have what it takes to advance to the next round. Join PSU on February 5th to see the outcome.

iSMG Prediction
Auraxis Will be bleeding purple
SG wins

If you have any comments, likes, dislikes, or suggestions, please post below. Also Keep it Friendly while discussing.
Also if you would Like, on the next installment, I will give a brief autobio on my PS2 career. As well as post my stats and dive into my playstyle.

2014-01-28, 06:28 PM
I'm not sure about the linage of JENK (Not that it really matters) but I know SG has been around since forever. For that reason, Go SG!

2014-01-28, 07:35 PM
SG was known to be as universal as they come, be it air, infantry or ground vehicles, however I am not familiar with what they represent now.

On a sidenote, you can expand on your idea further, iSMG, and try contacting outfit members to give you preliminary rosters for their teams and a bit of their background/chronology, assuming they can be unbiased in that regard. This way you can analyse them better.
If you are really into this, you can watch a couple of outfits' own gameplay videos etc. Hell, you can even ask to play with them for a bit to see everything firsthand.

PS: Fix your grammar a bit. They seem to be simple overlooks and misstypes.

2014-01-29, 07:24 AM
SG was known to be as universal as they come, be it air, infantry or ground vehicles, however I am not familiar with what they represent now.

On a sidenote, you can expand on your idea further, iSMG, and try contacting outfit members to give you preliminary rosters for their teams and a bit of their background/chronology, assuming they can be unbiased in that regard. This way you can analyse them better.
If you are really into this, you can watch a couple of outfits' own gameplay videos etc. Hell, you can even ask to play with them for a bit to see everything firsthand.

PS: Fix your grammar a bit. They seem to be simple overlooks and misstypes.
I will be redoing this, come the End of FEb, since the dates have been changed.

Also I am trying to be as unbiased as possible, and numbers that are accurate never Lie.
As far as diving in further I am faced with a few hurdles.
1. 24-30 human variables that are unsure until the week of the match
2. API collecting from SOE is Slow, Compiling the numbers I need is also slow.
3. Gaining outfit Tactics to broadcast publicly might be met with some opposition.

Ill see what I can do. But I will go a little more in depth here
*****My thought Process to capture as many aspects as possible with the stats*****
KDR captures your Heavies/LA/MAxes, Pilots, and tankes (its not perfect however its a good marker)
SPM captures your Support classes, Engies Medics, Lib pilots, Galaxies
IVI captures the accuracy/headshot rate that bypasses the need for a good KDR or SPM, aimed at getting the support classes or outfits that "roleplay" ingame.
Pilot Score is based on the accuracy with the ESF nose gun, which relates to the player's killing potential and outfits ability to assume Air dominance.
I left out tanks, due to the inability to the easily obtain a logical common data point that all tankers use.

with that said, I plan to do this next month and wouldnt mind teaming up with PSU CC team if they find my stats at all appealing to their needs. I am attempting to bring some hype to these games outside of the participating outfits.