View Full Version : Can't Believe it Hasn't Happened Yet.

2014-01-30, 07:47 PM
I actually stopped playing Planetside 2 for a while, not saying this in a bratty way or anything to prove a point but I just couldn't take it anymore, for one because the optimization was making the game less than desirable on my rig.

Well I'm back, I know you're all glad to see me. *sarcasm*

Anyway to get straight to the point after my hiatus I figured that 845 rpm TR carbine I had waited all year for might have shown up, and I am amazed that it hasn't happened yet. You know I sit here with my lynx spraying away with its ridiculous right-leaning recoil and think "wow I would love to have something more like the GD7F or Serpent with that extra fire rate so at least I'd have a chance at a different experience".

I realize most efforts have been focused on metagame but this just gets on my nerves every time. The small details like this and the popcorn-popper-esque sounds of our carbines and the repetitive models.

Although I would like to go on to say the improvements to the interface since I last played are pretty sweet. The new health bars, reloading circle thing, all that. I'm a fan of the mini-game just as I am the meta-game (I know I said that wrong).

The way I see it though, while the big things like battleflow are important, a blind eye can't be turned to the small things that keep the game fresh and fun on the surface. Just having that polish of well-developed faction traits and for goodness sake some variation in the weaponry, makes the game so much more appealing, and overall makes it feel more like a finished product. It seems like the current weapons are just placeholders which is odd for a 1-year-old game.

Anyway, thanks for reading, flame or flatter.

2014-01-30, 08:27 PM

but alas, it's a modern military shooter. The weapons are gonna be shit, except for the cool ones, like the Lancer, Phoenix, maybe mcg/lasher. faction balance and all that, you can argue that the TR have the most stable crabines

War Barney
2014-01-30, 08:35 PM
Well we've been waiting for something other than shotguns on our MAX for years so join the queue =( Would also be nice if we got something other than the jackhammer as our special gun... the plasma ball shooting thing looks cool as does the minigun, the jackhammer is just a pain in the ass unless you happen to be fighting in a biolab, even then the lack of range is a pain.

2014-01-30, 11:14 PM
I think it's ridiculous that this isn't on the roadmap.

We have melee weapon changes scheduled for March but no simple changes in weapon sounds/models and improvements on weapons overall? I would understand were it an ongoing process that didn't need posting on the roadmap but I've seen very little change since I stopped playing. It ought to be a quick fix the way I see it. For instance taking the TRV sound and applying it to the lynx (or maybe that new 845 rpm carbine that seems to never come?).

Does anyone remember the old "badassification" project? Yeah, it seems to have begun and ended with SMGs, as most of the other guns still don't look or sound badass.

2014-01-31, 05:27 AM
The lack of attention to gun design is indeed a problem:

Weak sounds (TR carbines and snipers)
Inconsistent design that doesn't make much sense (magazine sizes and placement, no but stocks on TR carbines, high ROF doesn't sound like high ROF, Gauss rifles designed as normal bullet weapons, etc)
Way too similar looking, sounding and performing models
More attachment slots and slot options needed (ammo types, magazine types, barrel types, stock types, etc.)
Lack of cosmetic options
Inconsistent attachment options available (2x and 1x scopes, advanced fwd grip, compensator, etc.)

The dev team should really hire a designer that just KNOWS how modern day and near future military technology works. The game would benefit immensely from it.

2014-01-31, 07:51 AM
And why magazine upgrades can't be used with laser sights... makes nonsense.

2014-01-31, 12:13 PM
I'm assuming you folk have played Blacklight: retribution?

2014-01-31, 03:33 PM
I'm assuming you folk have played Blacklight: retribution?

Yes. I'm sure we've discussed this in another thread. I don't even need that, I just want powerful and diverse sounds, diverse weapon designs, and for those factional traits to be consistent as promised. It seems like one of those things that the devs hyped up but never delivered on. It's as simple as some 3d modeling and slapping a few different sounds on.

I understand that Blacklight's level of customization would be pretty much impossible for PS2.

2014-02-01, 01:11 PM
I understand that Blacklight's level of customization would be pretty much impossible for PS2.
I don't see why tbh. It's exactly what this game needs: More tactical depth by providing more customization and personalisation.

2014-02-01, 11:13 PM
I'm not saying impossible because it couldn't happen but rather because the devs just wouldn't do it, and we're having to pester and wait forever just for this to happen.

2014-02-02, 09:21 AM
They will do it at some point but only after each class has had it's update. Eventually, this game needs more sub-class specialization.

2014-02-02, 10:05 AM
I'm assuming you folk have played Blacklight: retribution?

Offtopic, is it a good game?

2014-02-02, 10:17 AM
Offtopic, is it a good game?

Yes its an good session based twitch fps, with amazing customisation, its also on steam. The PS2 sound and art teams could definitely pick up some tips listening to how Blacklights guns sound and look ( though this wouldn't be at all applicable to VS weaponry, and I think the audio changes to VS weapons were excellent).

2014-02-02, 01:18 PM
Offtopic, is it a good game?

Yeah. I recommend blowing 48 hours on it, then never touching it again, but lamenting on its superior nature every now and again.

While I'd love that much customization in PS2, it seems the devs building a class system pretty much puts that kind of stuff off the table.. or else we'd have some kind of free-form system already.

2014-02-02, 01:52 PM
Yeah. I recommend blowing 48 hours on it, then never touching it again, but lamenting on its superior nature every now and again.

While I'd love that much customization in PS2, it seems the devs building a class system pretty much puts that kind of stuff off the table.. or else we'd have some kind of free-form system already.

I skipped bf4 because I want bf2143 and while waiting for it if it ever happens I could try that round based game. Thank you for your experiences.