View Full Version : Community Rally! Show of Support for Wrel.

2014-02-03, 03:00 PM
Will you Support the Channel? (PlanetSide 2 & Mass Effect 3) - YouTube

- Whereas Wrel has created a YouTube channel that over the course of the last year has become the most vital social media resource in the PS2 community.

- Whereas Wrel has consistently shown his dedication and long term support for Planetside 2 and the PS2 community, even putting out his own content through periods of little or no content updates for the game itself (O:MFG).

- Whereas few, if any, players out there have done more for the Planetside 2 community than Wrel.

- Whereas the PS2 community would not be the same without Wrel; would lose an irreplaceable resource without him; would lose greatly even if Wrel were merely forced to reduce his efforts for the PS2 community.

- Whereas SOE has an immediate vested interest not only in the popularity and quality of Planetside 2, but in developing and nurturing the Planetside 2 community as well.

A) Everyone in the community come together and do our part and do everything we can to support Wrel.


B) That SOE come to Wrel's aid and provide sponsorship as was mentioned in his YouTube video at 09:22: http://youtu.be/zfatFupMy3Y?t=9m22s

Let's help Wrel fulfill his dream of becoming a full time YouTuber, and let's help ourselves by continuing to cultivate the important resource that Wrel has become for all of us.

2014-02-03, 05:44 PM
Too late to send Smedly a tweet? =P

2014-02-03, 08:17 PM
vid's a tad old, but not by much. would love to get Wrel a job at SOE somehow.

2014-02-03, 08:52 PM
- Whereas Wrel has created a YouTube channel that over the course of the last year has become the most vital social media resource in the PS2 community.


Then apparently there is no such thing as "vital social media resource."

2014-02-03, 09:06 PM
Correct me if I'm wrong, but....

He plays and promotes 4th faction... Isn't 4th faction part of the problem with population imbalance?

Despite claiming to be 4th faction most of his vids IMO are of VS gameplay....

In a game that reinforces the notion that you should join a outfit to get the "Full PS2 experience" I don't think Wrel belongs to any outfit? Not that he could stay loyal to a Outfit because he's 4th faction, he doesn't have time for any one group!

Despite above mentioned with wrel, his PS2 vids are quality good. I'll probably donate once, I'll donate regularly when he comes out and declares a faction AND joins a Outfit!


2014-02-03, 10:03 PM
I do feel obligated to point out that I will not be donating as I am the proud owner of negative monies.

Good Luck though!

2014-02-03, 10:23 PM
Correct me if I'm wrong, but....

He plays and promotes 4th faction... Isn't 4th faction part of the problem with population imbalance?

Despite claiming to be 4th faction most of his vids IMO are of VS gameplay....

In a game that reinforces the notion that you should join a outfit to get the "Full PS2 experience" I don't think Wrel belongs to any outfit? Not that he could stay loyal to a Outfit because he's 4th faction, he doesn't have time for any one group!

Despite above mentioned with wrel, his PS2 vids are quality good. I'll probably donate once, I'll donate regularly when he comes out and declares a faction AND joins a Outfit!


I wouldn't call his channel part of the 4th faction. More of an unbiased reporter that covers the big picture. He still plays all factions and I don't know if he holds one over the others though. But that is the man and not his channel.

Is there any tuber that is loyal to just one faction that still puts out videos about the game? I can't think of any, not any people I watch anyway. I know a number of one faction loyal players (me being one for NC) but no Youtube names come to mind outside of TB, but he quit long ago.

I know of some YT names that played a bit of PS2 for a one off video or 2. But, again, none stuck with the game and moved on. Limiting yourself to one faction isn't going to do much for your channel if you don't have damn good footage or don't have a good watchable persona.

2014-02-04, 12:04 AM
I would just like to say that there has been an internal communications error within the Blue Lions Officer staff and I do apologize to the community for the mishap. The Blue Lions are not officially supporting Wrel in any way and are not in any way, shape, or form, involved directly or indirectly with Wrel.

That being said, I hope at least other outfits will still come out and get behind Wrel.

2014-02-04, 12:32 AM
I've never heard of Wrel.

2014-02-04, 05:45 AM
I would just like to say that there has been an internal communications error within the Blue Lions Officer staff and I do apologize to the community for the mishap. The Blue Lions are not officially supporting Wrel in any way and are not in any way, shape, or form, involved directly or indirectly with Wrel.

That being said, I hope at least other outfits will still come out and get behind Wrel.

Good Save ;).

I do agree with him on some areas, notably the implant system. However despite his clear passion and desire to contribute to the PS2 community, which I support, I'm afraid I can't really donate partly due to funds and partly because he is one of many. I also believe that placing too much attention on one person, does in some way take away from another.

2014-02-04, 07:53 AM
As much as I support his channel and being a subscriber since he put out his first PS2 vid, he's not the only one out there, you know. Plenty of others that could also use support and putting all emphasis on a single person, suggesting that he is "the voice of the community", is very unhealthy imo.

In fact, I disagree with quite a few of his ideas, especially when it comes to team killing and leading in this game. Also, his relatively lack of outfit experience is telling in his videos and imo he does a rather poor job of explaining outfit mechanics, if going over these at all.

I really hope Youtube is working out for him and that he can make a living out of it some day, but that doesn't cover the fact that we simply need more "Wrels" for this game.

2014-02-04, 09:19 AM
I'm sorry but no youtuber will make it as just a single game youtuber. I'd also like to agree over the 4th faction element. Hour may play all factions to see changes etc and that is the only reason he should 4th faction. He should have a main then 3 alt for the purposes of balance changes etc.
With no faction or outfit that he has any loyalty too just promotes zerg play not organised fighting which this tame needs more of not less.
I will not donate to anyone for a youtube channel if they want it that bad get sposorship advertising etc to pay for his tubing. But I doubt his stats would make it a good deal for any advertiser/sponsor.

2014-02-04, 09:46 AM
I've subscribed to his channels and I watch his videos. While I much prefer him to the likes of totalcockend any SOE support would only interfere with his opinions even if he didn't want it to.

There are many ways to raise money. He could do a kickstarter as an individual and seek permission to do planetside related art printed onto a variety of things with contributions as low as $1 for a honourable mention in a wall of credit in a video etc etc.

At the end of it all if you really want to become full time on youtube it's a massive amount of effort.... get on with it. But you cannot hope to do it off the back of one relatively small game.

2014-02-04, 01:37 PM
I do watch Wrel.
Already played with him. Once in 1500h of game, twice with Hamma, but in both cases, just defending one base.
I like his channel, but I like ZohanTheBear more.