View Full Version : 2 Really irritating things they need to remove

War Barney
2014-02-06, 06:12 PM
Stealth and reviving people... these 2 aspects of the game are not fun they don't add to the skill or tactics they just make it more annoying. Now I know theres going to be a lot of people trying to say they do but you're just wrong I'm afraid, complete invisibility with the best close range gun is NOT skill its just plain annoying, as long as you pop up behind people you get a free kill then stealth off again, hell its possible to kill 2-3 people with ease if you pop up behind them, I've done it and I'm not even that good its just so easy

And revive.. nothing makes you feel more worthless than reviving people.. you sneak behind the enemy in a fortified position and take out 5 guys before getting taken down, yay you think that'll put a dint in the defences! then before the camera has even zoomed out to the redeploy screen half of them are alive again and the others will be before you've even respawned so if anything its a net loss for your side... and of course its a huge advantage for zergs as they can just spam rezz nades to revive platoons of people with ease.

Theres a lot of potential for PS2 to be amazingly fun but these just annoying aspects need to be removed, all they ever do is cause huge amounts of frustration

2014-02-06, 06:15 PM
I don't even... what is this...

2014-02-06, 07:12 PM
In the realm of "war" and all that it encompasses there's a plethora of methods and ways to achieve objective and victory, Translate that into basic video-game mechanics that anyone can pickup and you get PS2.

When did SMG's become the king of CQC when Shotguns still yield greater results?

Competitively speaking you can argue who contributes what the most but don't dismiss player choice in playstyle as "not fun" or "wrong" because that's just wrong.

2014-02-06, 07:24 PM
Infiltrators should be limited to pistols. Just like the old days.

2014-02-06, 07:38 PM
I do find it irritating to take out a bunch of guys in a room in our own territory just to have them all get back up again.

Maybe if you own an Amp station, friendly territories will require enemies to "decode" a revive jammer before they can do the full revive? Essentially it'd just slow them down, but it'd be enough to make it a little more painful to revive in enemy territory. =\

2014-02-06, 08:08 PM
Maybe healing and repair juice should run out like Planetside. You have to go back and resuply.

2014-02-06, 08:15 PM
Stealth and reviving people... these 2 aspects of the game are not fun they don't add to the skill or tactics they just make it more annoying. Now I know theres going to be a lot of people trying to say they do but you're just wrong I'm afraid, complete invisibility with the best close range gun is NOT skill its just plain annoying, as long as you pop up behind people you get a free kill then stealth off again, hell its possible to kill 2-3 people with ease if you pop up behind them, I've done it and I'm not even that good its just so easy

And revive.. nothing makes you feel more worthless than reviving people.. you sneak behind the enemy in a fortified position and take out 5 guys before getting taken down, yay you think that'll put a dint in the defences! then before the camera has even zoomed out to the redeploy screen half of them are alive again and the others will be before you've even respawned so if anything its a net loss for your side... and of course its a huge advantage for zergs as they can just spam rezz nades to revive platoons of people with ease.

Theres a lot of potential for PS2 to be amazingly fun but these just annoying aspects need to be removed, all they ever do is cause huge amounts of frustration

It would be simpler and ultimately more fun for everyone to just remove you instead.

2014-02-06, 09:43 PM
I hate cloaking in any game... but revives...? Really?

2014-02-06, 10:41 PM
okay, here we go, counter-argument time!
Stealth and reviving people... these 2 aspects of the game are not fun they don't add to the skill or tactics they just make it more annoying. Now I know theres going to be a lot of people trying to say they do but you're just wrong I'm afraid, complete invisibility with the best close range gun is NOT skill its just plain annoying, as long as you pop up behind people you get a free kill then stealth off again, hell its possible to kill 2-3 people with ease if you pop up behind them, I've done it and I'm not even that good its just so easy

ah..... this complaint again.

1. the SMG infiltrator takes a HELL load of skill and tactics to play. fact. i am one from time to time, and it requires timing, patience, knowledge of level design, flanking skills, and the element of surprise. and luck. SMGs actually require a lot of bullets to kill someone, so you've gotta make every shot count.

2. smg infiltrators are easily killable. they only really have the upperhand if you are blind/deaf or you get flanked from behind.

3. then aren't sniper infiltrators worse than SMG infiltrators by your logic? they can kill you from 100+ meters away, and you cant counter them. at least you can kill SMG infiltrators.

And revive.. nothing makes you feel more worthless than reviving people.. you sneak behind the enemy in a fortified position and take out 5 guys before getting taken down, yay you think that'll put a dint in the defences! then before the camera has even zoomed out to the redeploy screen half of them are alive again and the others will be before you've even respawned so if anything its a net loss for your side... and of course its a huge advantage for zergs as they can just spam rezz nades to revive platoons of people with ease.

Theres a lot of potential for PS2 to be amazingly fun but these just annoying aspects need to be removed, all they ever do is cause huge amounts of frustration

1. this is an extremely large game. 1 player can rarely make a difference in a game this size.

2. those 5 guys would respawn in 5 seconds anyway, so no, not a dint at all... you need to actually capture the base to make a difference, and that takes a combined effort.

3. and seriously... i would have never thought i would have seen a complaint about revives. seriously?

it seems that you are looking at this from a lone wolf point of view. well guess what, lone wolf; this is a big game, and you ain't gonna make much of a difference by yourself.

2014-02-06, 10:46 PM
Are you pissed you're not getting revives yourself or what? So only the whatever empire you're fighting is allowed to spawn medics? Is this like a rule or something? WarBarney is playing NC today so medics are disabled for them.


If it was "your territory" I guess those guys wouldn't be able to be revived bcuz their medic support would be dead as well wouldn't they?

2014-02-06, 10:58 PM
I have no problem with stealth or medic-gun revives. I do tend to think rez grenades are a bit too powerful, but I'd rather just have some limitations on those (such as only reanimating you for up to a minute before you die again, so that it's more of a "burst" thing like all other grenades) than removing them entirely.

2014-02-07, 12:01 AM
In the meantime the game is what it is. Enjoy, or not, as the case may be.

If cloaking was removed, I'd manage without it.

If reviving was removed, I'd live with that too. Snipers tend not to be revived anyway, in my experience.

2014-02-07, 04:00 AM
1. the SMG infiltrator takes a HELL load of skill and tactics to play. fact. i am one from time to time, and it requires timing, patience, knowledge of level design, flanking skills, and the element of surprise. and luck. SMGs actually require a lot of bullets to kill someone, so you've gotta make every shot count.

2. smg infiltrators are easily killable. they only really have the upperhand if you are blind/deaf or you get flanked from behind.

3. then aren't sniper infiltrators worse than SMG infiltrators by your logic? they can kill you from 100+ meters away, and you cant counter them. at least you can kill SMG infiltrators.

never played on low have you?

2014-02-07, 05:28 AM
i'm rolling on woodman soon just so i can rage this guy.

2014-02-07, 06:10 AM
It would be simpler and ultimately more fun for everyone to just remove you instead.

Oh snap.

War Barney
2014-02-07, 07:26 AM
okay, here we go, counter-argument time!

ah..... this complaint again.

1. the SMG infiltrator takes a HELL load of skill and tactics to play. fact. i am one from time to time, and it requires timing, patience, knowledge of level design, flanking skills, and the element of surprise. and luck. SMGs actually require a lot of bullets to kill someone, so you've gotta make every shot count.

2. smg infiltrators are easily killable. they only really have the upperhand if you are blind/deaf or you get flanked from behind.

3. then aren't sniper infiltrators worse than SMG infiltrators by your logic? they can kill you from 100+ meters away, and you cant counter them. at least you can kill SMG infiltrators.

1. this is an extremely large game. 1 player can rarely make a difference in a game this size.

2. those 5 guys would respawn in 5 seconds anyway, so no, not a dint at all... you need to actually capture the base to make a difference, and that takes a combined effort.

3. and seriously... i would have never thought i would have seen a complaint about revives. seriously?

it seems that you are looking at this from a lone wolf point of view. well guess what, lone wolf; this is a big game, and you ain't gonna make much of a difference by yourself.

1. The shotgun might be capable of 1 hit kills in the head but they also require you to aim at the head and unless its automatic mean you need a good aim as each miss means a lot more. For me its debatable which is best as the SMG can kill in a similar time without head shots but also has range and the ammo capacity to kill more people.

2. When theres shooting going on all around you its pretty hard to hear the noise of them entering exiting stealth and even when its quiet they can throw a decoy grenade, and of course if they unstealth behind you like any competent one will you still don't have time to turn around and shoot them before you're dead.

3. I'm not a fan of snipers but my main complain is stealth here as its just such an irritating thing, games are suppose to be fun and something like this which just annoys people (well those not playing an infiltrator) aren't good additions in my opinion.

1. You can rarely make a difference but its more about feeling like you are contributing, when I'm out blowing up tanks I feel like I'm contributing as they aren't going to get revived instantly, when I kill people I don't feel like I'm helping at all as most of the time they will be revived again in a few seconds unless they pushed out alone.

2. The 5 guys would respawn but they would respawn at either a sundie if they were trying to take a base or at the spawn room meaning a run back to the room that was being held giving other people time to push inside.

3. I don't see how you could think there wouldn't be complaints about something which helps to make you feel useless. Especially now people are carrying 4 revive grenades so in compact spaces a medic can revive almost an entire platoon 4 times just with those its becoming even more of an issue. People keep trying to say it helps smaller groups but all it does is help zergs a LOT. If there wasn't reviving a small group could slowly pick off people from a zerg forcing them back to a base further away (assuming they kill the sundie to) but as it is now a zerg has so many medics in it the only way to actually stop it is wipe it out completely, but ofc you can't as a small group so it encourages people to not bother fighting a zerg.

I'm not looking at it from a lone wolf view at all, simply the view that I'd like to feel like I'm contributing and when most of the people I kill end up revived in a few seconds I honestly don't feel like I've contributed anything, thats part of why I play a HA mostly, as I said blowing up vehicles feels like its doing something, kill infantry who will be mass revived in seconds doesn't

2014-02-07, 09:01 AM
max revives. bullshit even in its latest iteration

War Barney
2014-02-07, 09:46 AM
Aye MAX revives are one MAJOR irritation with revives, its very hard to take out a MAX even as a HA with rockets and its so depressing to see that MAX almost instantly revived

2014-02-07, 11:26 AM

If it was "your territory" I guess those guys wouldn't be able to be revived bcuz their medic support would be dead as well wouldn't they?

... My "color", territory. :p

Trying to quick take out a ghost hack and barely missing that laaaaaaaast medic is really frustrating. Just a penalty to the respawn time (Make sure the Medic is given clear indication via a second progress bar or some such) would be enough to me to feel like the defenders have the initial advantage (my squad of guys could theoretically be revived in greater numbers faster than the enemy).

I can see where this could get frustrating for larger battles (say, for a bio lab?), so maybe it should be an attachment for the Sunderer or vehicles rather than territory alone. i.e. "Passive Revive Jammer - Adds 7 seconds to respawn timer for enemy medics within 50m)".

Edit: Or better yet, some kind of a contraption that can be placed by Engineers (replacing Engy turret, or possibly it's "Alternate" ala the current Ammo pack switcheroo)

Edit 2: Or alternatively, I like the idea of Passive Aura Abilities for Maxes in their special ability slot that makes them more than just weapons, but a "Boss" target you're going to want to take down just because they're assisting their allies in a passive manner. Were the artwork possible to match the attachment, you could even have the Passive Aura Abilities come at the cost of an armor reduction.

2014-02-08, 03:13 PM
1. The shotgun might be capable of 1 hit kills in the head but they also require you to aim at the head and unless its automatic mean you need a good aim as each miss means a lot more. For me its debatable which is best as the SMG can kill in a similar time without head shots but also has range and the ammo capacity to kill more people.

yes, but have you used an SMG? you practically need to stand still/crouch for it to be used at its full effectiveness.... the gun's cone of fire widens up when using it. and once again, have you tried being an SMG infiltrator, or an smg at all? no? then your opinion is invalid, as you have no experience first hand except for being at the end of a barrel of an smg infiltrator.

2. When theres shooting going on all around you its pretty hard to hear the noise of them entering exiting stealth and even when its quiet they can throw a decoy grenade, and of course if they unstealth behind you like any competent one will you still don't have time to turn around and shoot them before you're dead.

i don't have this problem, along with many others here. it is pretty easy to hear enemy infiltrators, you don't have to really listen out for them, they are loud as hell and it is pretty easy to identify friend from foe (any cloaking sound that isn't your faction's cloaking sound is an enemy cloaker). and you should learn to use identifying sound to your advantage. listen out for what type of guns that are being shot (although NS weapons have an advantage for the one using them as players can't tell if you are friendly or not judging from their gunshots), use it to roughly identify what class you are going up against and where they are.

also, it is pretty damn easy to see infiltrators in the first place (unless you are playing on low, but in that case, you shouldn't be playing the game anyway imo if your PC is that bad.... it's time for an upgrade). lay down suppressive fire on the general area of the infiltrator and you'll either kill him or scare him off and get killed somewhere else.

also, i have never seen anyone use the decoy grenades. they are broken anyway.

3. I'm not a fan of snipers but my main complain is stealth here as its just such an irritating thing, games are suppose to be fun and something like this which just annoys people (well those not playing an infiltrator) aren't good additions in my opinion.

i'd would save this one for last, because what this "get rid of stealth" argument is basically in a nutshell: "it is not fun getting flanked. nerf flanking, getting outsmarted by the enemy due to my lack of situational awareness is not fun.

lets hear that again. what you are saying is that you want to GET RID OF THE ABILITY TO FLANK, A TACTIC THAT HAS BEEN IN FPS GAMES SINCE THE BEGINNING OF TIME.

think about that.

1. You can rarely make a difference but its more about feeling like you are contributing, when I'm out blowing up tanks I feel like I'm contributing as they aren't going to get revived instantly, when I kill people I don't feel like I'm helping at all as most of the time they will be revived again in a few seconds unless they pushed out alone.

well then shoot the medic first. medics should be a high priority target, as are engees and MAXes. it is their job, and their job is good; so take em down! you've got to prioritise what targets to shoot first. taking out a medic who could potentually heal up a guy who could kill 5 people on your side is much more valuable and is "contributing" to the fight even more than taking out 5 guys.

removing revives would take a major aspect of teamwork out of this game, and it would be stupid to do so.

2. The 5 guys would respawn but they would respawn at either a sundie if they were trying to take a base or at the spawn room meaning a run back to the room that was being held giving other people time to push inside.

....yes that was exactly my point. they were going to respawn anyway.

3. I don't see how you could think there wouldn't be complaints about something which helps to make you feel useless. Especially now people are carrying 4 revive grenades so in compact spaces a medic can revive almost an entire platoon 4 times just with those its becoming even more of an issue. People keep trying to say it helps smaller groups but all it does is help zergs a LOT. If there wasn't reviving a small group could slowly pick off people from a zerg forcing them back to a base further away (assuming they kill the sundie to) but as it is now a zerg has so many medics in it the only way to actually stop it is wipe it out completely, but ofc you can't as a small group so it encourages people to not bother fighting a zerg.

what you are asking for is to nerf the medic class, one of if not the most teamwork-effective class in the game. it is GOOD that they have revive grenades that can do that but once again.... a medic should be a high priority target. to feel like you are contributing, take out the medic!

and if it helps zergs..... TAKE OUT THE MEDIC. and a zerg of medics would not be very effective outside infantry vs infantry... but yet again, they could be slaughtered by other classes such as HA's and MAXes.

and it is the same as arguing that

I'm not looking at it from a lone wolf view at all, simply the view that I'd like to feel like I'm contributing and when most of the people I kill end up revived in a few seconds I honestly don't feel like I've contributed anything, thats part of why I play a HA mostly, as I said blowing up vehicles feels like its doing something, kill infantry who will be mass revived in seconds doesn't

in a nutshell, your arguments are invalid, these things are not problems, they are not getting nerfed or removed from the game (as doing so would "nerf fun"), and it all comes down to you needing more situational awareness, and prioritising medics as a target.

Emperor Newt
2014-02-09, 06:18 AM
your opinion is invalid
you should learn
in that case, you shouldn't be playing the game anyway
in a nutshell, your arguments are invalid
it all comes down to you needing more situational awareness

Just a short fyi: people not disagreeing with you doesn't mean that they agree with you. It's likely just because nobody wants to keep up with so much entitlement no matter how right or wrong your arguments might be.

2014-02-09, 02:04 PM
To the OP, if being an infil that runs around an enemy base or a big fight with a SMG is so easy, why aren't there more of them? Have you tried playing this class in the way that you think is overpowered? I have. It isn't. It takes patience. It takes a significant cert investment for the cloak to last.

If anyone in this game thinks another aspect is overpowered, try playing that aspect before coming to the forums and complaining.

2014-02-09, 02:14 PM
If stealth actually existed perhaps you could have a point, but it's so easy to see cloak already that we have the opposite issue, they need to add stealth.

As for revives, there seems to be absolutely no responsibility in revive designs. Add responsibility to revives asap, institute responsible limits, say, 1 or 2 revive maximum before you are forced to respawn, longer revive times, especially for MAXes, the ability to execute people being revived or make revives automatic and remove deaths that occur immediately after in order to quiet the KDR objections. Nothing is worse than a revive from around the corner you can't stop, and then you waste a magazine while they sit there waiting to accept it and can't be harmed.

well then shoot the medic first. medics should be a high priority target, as are engees and MAXes. it is their job, and their job is good; so take em down! you've got to prioritise what targets to shoot first. taking out a medic who could potentually heal up a guy who could kill 5 people on your side is much more valuable and is "contributing" to the fight even more than taking out 5 guys.

removing revives would take a major aspect of teamwork out of this game, and it would be stupid to do so.

This is not the answer. Revives are so fast that medics can dance and stay alive while doing it, or they can be around corners and can't be shot while reviving (and even if you're only 10 meters away, if you try to run to stop it, again, revives are too fast), and very often there are multiple medics, and that, combined with the speed and unlimited nature of revives, is too much.

Unlike the OP I am not saying remove revives, I am saying add responsibility to the design. Revives are the most teamwork effective thing, but they are effective beyond what they should be, they allow the higher population force (defensive or offensive) to gain benefits that go beyond what you might expect from the actual number of players. It's often the same with repairs.

2014-02-09, 04:02 PM
Perhaps if revives were single-use items, like a belt of epi-pens, working in the same fashion as the self-heal kit. Certing into multiple pens would be somewhat cheaper than multiple revive grenades.

2014-02-09, 06:10 PM
I'm not going to lie, people are right when they say that Infil-SMG'ing takes skill. It doesn't mean I don't hate them still, but I'm not going to make a fuss. lol.

Also, I still think the game should have something like battlefield's med-pack.

2014-02-09, 06:28 PM
Well, with the new incoming infil cloak I forsee more rage posts :)

2014-02-10, 09:53 AM
the best part of the whole thread is where OP uses decoy grenades as an argument.

for the part about revives how about this elegant solution:

try killing the medic

Emperor Newt
2014-02-10, 12:01 PM
Dunno which game you are playing but there is usually more then one medic around. I would tend to say that two to three medics per squad isn't uncommon. So let's at least rephrase that to: "try killing three medics". At that point the sentence would at least resemble something that looks like an argument.

2014-02-10, 04:57 PM
try killing the medic

+1 if the advanced targeting implant lights up medics in red!

War Barney
2014-02-10, 06:16 PM
*sigh* I'm going to try and keep this simple, at no point did I say infiltrators or reviving was OP, I said they were just incredibly annoying and didn't add any fun to the game just a massive annoyance.

2014-02-10, 06:46 PM
*sigh* I'm going to try and keep this simple, at no point did I say infiltrators or reviving was OP, I said they were just incredibly annoying and didn't add any fun to the game just a massive annoyance.

what may be annoying to you is fun for many more others.

2014-02-10, 08:18 PM
*sigh* I'm going to try and keep this simple, at no point did I say infiltrators or reviving was OP, I said they were just incredibly annoying and didn't add any fun to the game just a massive annoyance.

Well that's just, like, your opinion, man.

2014-02-11, 01:04 AM
Well that's just, like, your opinion, man.

Yeah but his opinion is worth more than other people's. That was established in the first post where all the people who were about to disagree were given the advice that "you're just wrong".

Hmm... OP writes controversial and ill-thought out opinion, returns to occasionally fan the flames with a patronising *sigh*... I can't tell if over entitled or just trying to troll.

War Barney
2014-02-11, 07:20 AM
Yeah but his opinion is worth more than other people's. That was established in the first post where all the people who were about to disagree were given the advice that "you're just wrong".

Hmm... OP writes controversial and ill-thought out opinion, returns to occasionally fan the flames with a patronising *sigh*... I can't tell if over entitled or just trying to troll.

*sigh* Not ill-thought out at all, its a simple fact that being killed by somebody you have no chance of seeing or stopping is annoying, as it killing a load of people only to see them instantly get revived again making everything you did utterly worthless.

Saying *you're just wrong* was I admit going to far and mostly said it as I was more annoyed than normal at the time but I still feel these are 2 elements which are just incredibly annoying.

Reviving is not a good mechanic, healing is fine but reviving entire platoons with a grenade and even reviving MAX suits which take a lot to kill doesn't add to the game in my opinion, it helps makes zergs even more powerful making it almost pointless to try and stop them as you can't try to whittle them down like you could if there was no reviving, all you can do is accept that until you get enough people to wipe them completely theres nothing you can do.

Stealthers are a more subjective thing I imagine, mainly though as its going to be split between people who play them and people who don't. Personally I find stealther play boring, I've tried running around with a blitz and extra magazines slaughtering people and putting proxy mines near sundies but they just feel like easy free kills. I prefer the challenge of needing to use cover to sneak up on people and finding a route that will get you behind the enemy without being spotted without needing to resort to an incredibly long stealth.

I'm sure I'm not the only one who gets annoyed when your in the middle of a fight and a stealther kills you from behind where all your allies are, in war games you expect to setup a front line and as long as its maintained whats behind you is friendly, stealthers completely screw that up though as you end up with a ton of them stealthing around killing people. Yes they wont turn the battle but as I said this thread is about things being OP its about them being incredibly annoying and being forced pretty much to never stand still, never stop spinning in circles to make sure theres no stealther following you isn't a fun way to play, but the only other option is accept many times a day you will die in a way you couldn't possibly prevent.

Now theres ways they could do this better instead of removing stealth if people are so obsessed with keeping it (though as I'm sure you know I fall in the camp of happy with it gone, every single game iv ever played with stealth stealth has just been irritating). They could limit the loadout you get while using stealth to a sniper rifle and a pistol, this would at least mean infiltrators are encouraged to stay back from the fighting or people have a chance to defend themselves when they start getting shot in the back.

Reviving though I just don't like in any way shape or form, as I explained before I think it just ruins the flow of the game and makes your efforts feel completely worthless most of the time. I'm sure I'm not the only one whos tried to defend a base being ghost capped by 4 people, managed to take out 2 or 3 of em before they realise they are being attacked so need to group up, only to get killed by the medic who them revives everybody meaning from that point on they will stick together.. sure you can kill 1 or 2 of em but the medic means you can't kill them all unless you manage to get all the medics first.

And please don't try and say *thats why you aim for the medic first* as my retort will always be thats why medics stay back (if they are competent) so the only way to kill them first is to run past a group of people shooting you, find where he is THEN try to kill him, of course most of the time that will simply result in you dying before you even see the medic.

Hell I'd be happy if they just made it so you could shoot people while they are on the ground which then makes them unrevivable.

2014-02-11, 02:35 PM
Hell I'd be happy if they just made it so you could shoot people while they are on the ground which then makes them unrevivable.

Perhaps, in the future, features like this will be added to the game, if enough people pipe up about it, but not many do to be honest, certainly not while I've been frequenting this forum (or the SOE forum).

Now, the recent WDS created such a storm of protest that SOE did something about it.

In the meantime, the game is what it is. The rules are the same for everyone, annoying as they may seem at times...

And isn't there a section on this forum and the SOE forum for such discussions? PSU have the Planetside 2 Idea Vault and SOE have Ideas and Suggestions. Should this not be in those forums?

2014-02-14, 02:49 PM
Maybe healing and repair juice should run out like Planetside. You have to go back and resuply.


Its funny, every time I read about something they did in planetside 1 its always better than how they do it in PS2. I kick myself for not playing it, but I was broke back then so...

But yes, this is what needs to happen. Having unlimited green magic is terrible. I agree and medic is my #1 class in the NC.

1. Keep the healing gun for healing live players. (as it is now, its more efficient to let the players die and revive them than it is to heal them)

2. take out med packs for EVERY other class.

3. Start a medic out with 2 full revive packs, able to cert it up to 6 at max. Make them resupply-able. Also, make the medic have to actually stand on the person to revive them like BF. None of this healing around corners. Even better, make it so that you can drag bodies like ARMA. (not likely)

As for infiltrators. Meh, they were fine until they got the SMG, and 2 hit pistol, and crossbow of doom. I could even live with the pistols. They are not so invisible that they cause undue strife.

2014-02-14, 06:12 PM
My 2 cents, I see what he is saying, I really do. I'm sure everyone has had their moments where you single handedly clear out a room by yourself during an assault or defense and get taken out by another guy who happens to come through the door while you're reloading or what not. If it's a medic, he revives the whole room. You then feel as if you didn't accomplish anything. We've all been there (If not, well, I dunno). It is frustrating but it is what it is.

I do however, like the idea of a medic who has a limited amount of healing similar to a engineer or maybe even has to resupply his "juice". Standing behind a corner just constantly spamming healing is rather annoying especially in tight battles.

But then again, this is a game that can have numerous players fighting literally everywhere so the element of danger is present at all times and I can also understand why the medic is how it is now.

War Barney
2014-02-14, 08:41 PM
The best solution I've heard so far is the *execute* idea, which would basically be either knifing a fallen enemy by meleeing them or pressing F perhaps to do a execution. This way there is a method of stopping people getting revived but it puts you at risk as if you stop to execute everybody you kill you might get shot while doing it and it slow you down.

Could even bring in some interesting new tactics where some of the squad pushes and a couple hang back to execute everybody whos killed. Hell this is what the army actually does more or less, I remember in CCF on a training day we went to they said the way you check if an enemy is dead is by shooting them twice in the head.

2014-02-14, 10:02 PM
I think your ideas are a bit on the ludicrous side. We don't need people stopping to take the time to knife or "execute" fallen enemies.

Reviving is fine, if you want to stop it, just rush the medics. Or lob a grenade at them if you even see their little green beam come out. Cloaking? Would you rather the infiltrator be neutered? That's their thing. This is what some people consider fun; I enjoy cloaks, reviving, jetpacks, rockets, AV turrets, and whatever else some people may find "annoying" because it is an inconvenience to their survivability.

I feel like one thing that needs to be emphasized in this game is fun; what makes it fun? Not pulling so much hair out over keeping a controlled, balanced environment that you're destroying and/or neglecting anything that players would enjoy. I'm not saying this because I like overpowered stuff, but cloaking? It's fun. I enjoy sneaking past people, getting the jump on them, and wreaking havoc with my invisibility.

2014-02-15, 03:19 AM
Would you rather the infiltrator be neutered?

There are a few here that would be more than happy for the Infiltrator to be removed from the game altogether and jump at every opportunity to have a dig...