View Full Version : Crossbow: Do you enjoy it?

2014-02-17, 05:42 AM
I bought the crossbow for like 700 SC and I do not really like it. I think it is a bit too slow for my play style.

So, I officially put it into "Money Wasted" basket. But at least I supported SOE here :)

2014-02-17, 05:51 AM
I bought it for the sole purpose of the motion sensor ammo which works on every class (expect max for obvious reasons).. works great :)

2014-02-17, 05:59 AM
I bought it for the sole purpose of the motion sensor ammo which works on every class (expect max for obvious reasons).. works great :)

How does it work? I guess it is not the same as infiltrator motion sensor that has only 4 shots and then lasts like a minute?

Oh crap. I just realised I saw like tenth of enemy sensors on the map at once and was wondering is it a hack or not. apparently not. It is a crossbow.

2014-02-17, 06:10 AM
They don't last long, but can give you a temporary bearing on enemy activity, and it does have like 18 shots or so before needing to resupply, so you can spam it a bit.

2014-02-17, 06:33 AM
I had a go of the xbow in VR and I have decided not to waste any SC or Certs on this for now. I need other items first, but once I'm done certing up more important stuff I will more than likely get it, just to have it in my collection :)

2014-02-17, 09:24 AM
I'll probably get it once its on a half-off sale. More concerned about the new infiltrator SMG.

2014-02-17, 10:35 AM
I think it's funny some people are calling it OP.

2014-02-17, 10:37 AM
The crossbow has been hot and cold for me depending on the situation. It's good for farming but for a duel where my clip runs out I'd prefer my pistol. It's more powerful then the flare/frost pistols that's for sure. I received some hate tells over it over the weekend so apparently people hate dieing to it. A TR named Rexxhavokk even claimed "they" reported me and continued on a rant about how it was noob of me as a BR100 to use it and anyone using it was a sniper or Zoey noobs(not in exact words but to that effect). wtf? lol

2014-02-17, 12:18 PM
Any class may carry a motion sensor.

Any class can carry an AV secondary weapon.

Any class may carry a secondary weapon with optics.

In the hands of someone who has practiced with it, the crossbow is a direct upgrade from all previous secondary weapons up to the weapon's maximum effective range.

There is no AV functionality for a primary weapon which matches the AV damage output of the crossbow. IIRC only UBGL can harm armor, and it is especially weak for the task.

I keep saying we need lumifiber bolts. Heartstring is much easier to use because the user can clearly see the arc pattern (especially with heavy ass explosive bolts).

I wonder if this would open the door for more AV primary/secondary weapons, like AV rounds for Lasher, MCG, and Jackhammer and NS-15M.

I really hope this opens the door for optics on conventional pistols, especially ones that are modeled with a rail for attachments. A lot of players complain that the Commissioner would be too powerful with optics, but given that the crossbow is even more powerful, that argument could soon wither away.

2014-02-17, 01:48 PM
I think the cross bow is interesting because its quirky. The game needs more quirkiness. :)

2014-02-17, 02:12 PM
You know I forgot about the anti-vehicle application of this. I may have to relook at it.

2014-02-17, 02:21 PM
I Like it, my kdr with it is bad but the funmeter is high enough :>
I say it's pretty balanced and has it's niche with a stalker cloak, or for LA on towers to quietly take down dem snipers, etc. etc.


2014-02-17, 03:18 PM
I like the crossbow just because it's pretty situational. In a straight up duel, yes you're going to lose as someone else had mentioned. In certain loadouts though it can compliment your primary. Like for me Jackhammer(Or other shotty) and the crossbow was pretty fun. The AV can be somewhat useful in the right situation but it's AI capabilities might as well be none. (And here I thought we'd all be getting grenade launchers for secondaries, thank the Auraxian gods not.)

War Barney
2014-02-17, 03:52 PM
Its a must have tool really, oddly enough a stalker cloak infiltrator might not want it as there are far better pistols if you don't have a primary but if you have a primary its got great damage (almost 1 hit kill if you hit the head) and options to let you kill vehicles and have motion detectors.

anybody who doesn't use this is a bit of a idiot really, it might take time to get use to but the scope, extra range, extra damage and versatility it offers makes it far superior to every other sidearm.

2014-02-17, 04:16 PM
I like it. It is so, so satisfying when you get kills with it. It hits like a freaking truck. The only downside is the rather strong arc via gravity pull due to velocity.

I believe the sensor bolts last 12 sec each, nearly a 4th of the time that maxed out darts last. Good for a defensive engie with ammo pack though.

2014-02-17, 04:30 PM

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2014-02-17, 07:23 PM
I can't say it enough, I absolutely love the Crossbow.

As previously mentioned it's very situational. IMO It shines the best with the Infiltrator.

Thus far my build has been:

- Stalker Cloak Ability Rank 5.
- Ammunition Belt Suit Slot Rank 4.
- Motion Spotter Tool slot Rank 5
- EMP Grenade
- Claymore x2

Crossbow w/ Reflex 2x Optic, Laser Sight Rail, Explosive Bolt ammo.

You'll always lose in the straight up assault role because it's to slow and extremely dependent on the user having good aim, but it does pretty well if your in a overwatch position behind the MAX's or Heavies as they do a squad charge.

The spec really shines when you break-away from your squad, more or less go lonewolf. Because the Stalker Cloak is effectively unlimited stealth when you stand still and can recharge while being stealthed... You can, with patience, sneak into some pretty awesome positions right in the center-mass of enemy infantry where the AOE of the explosive arrow really shines.

I'm a TR, when I equip the Wraith Helmet hood and some dark-digital camo my silhouette is conveniently convincing to be VS, so I have a easier time sneaking into heavy Vanu held positions.

More often then not though I'll find myself knifing more people then I shoot with the crossbow. I'm debating going with the default arrow rather then any special ammo type for the 1 shot, 1 knife kill combo.

It's pretty obnoxious that you can sneak behind a enemy armor column easily and take out a tank via the engine block with roughly 17 explosive arrows, (18-19 for a Vanguard) That's over half your ammo supply. I recommend taking targets of opportunity and hitting already wounded tanks.

On more then one occasion I've hit a enemy Tank then stealth only to have them nerdrage at there allies (presumably) and begin blasting friendlies trying to find the "team killer".

Bottom line - I love the Crossbow!

Now if you were to ask me if it's viable in competition.... I would say no, absolutely not. Again it's way to slow firing and dependent on the players ability to aim. Combine that with the fact it's 3/30 ammo capacity. The only way this weapon could be used Competitively is with sensor dart ammunition as a side-arm for any other class like the Heavy, Medic, Engineer, or Light-Assault.

I recall someone telling me this so I could be wrong... But I believe the PAL or Community Clash rules, one of the two, bars the Infiltrator from use for sensor reasons, meaning you wouldn't have sensor tool options... So the Crossbow's sensor dart ammo type makes up for your lack of a Infiltrator's sensor/motion tools.

On a side note, the Motion Tool IMO in every way is a upgrade over the sensor darts souly because it lasts longer. Again taking advantage of Stalker Cloak, you can sneak into the center-mass of the enemy infantry during a large fight and drop one of those Motion Sensors then watch as the flood of Spot XP comes in because your in a massive battle. The enemy doesn't expect a enemy motion sensor in themiddle of there group and will ignore it presuming it to be friendly placed. (Pro-Tip: The lasers on the Motion Sensor are faction specific colors so you can tell friend from foe).

2014-02-18, 12:03 AM
I think it's funny some people are calling it OP.

Lol really? I tried it on VR, takes 2 headshots from 1 meter even to kill the dummies there, wonder how many you need to kill players with any certed armor.. not to mention that they arent standing still waiting to be killed..

2014-02-18, 12:58 AM
There were so many options listed for crossbow that I didn't try that I will give it a chance next time a play PS2 this weekend. Should be fun :)

2014-02-18, 05:09 AM
Lol really? I tried it on VR, takes 2 headshots from 1 meter even to kill the dummies there, wonder how many you need to kill players with any certed armor..

Still 2 shots. The XBOW dies as much dmg as a Bolt-Driver (NC)

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2014-02-18, 06:28 AM
Seems pretty gimmicky and pointless really. Saddens me to think SOE is wasting their time on questionably useful things like a crossbow.
Also kind of makes infiltrators a bit useless in a squad if any class can deploy darts now.

2014-02-18, 07:25 AM
Well the crossbows are very effective when used with stalker cloak.

They cant win a 1v1, they are made for sneaking up on Enemies and kill them before they notice you (with knife).

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2014-02-18, 07:53 AM
You know I forgot about the anti-vehicle application of this. I may have to relook at it.

You have to bear it, since it's the closest thing to Half-Life 3 you'll get in a while... :D:D:D

2014-02-18, 10:21 AM
Seems pretty gimmicky and pointless really. Saddens me to think SOE is wasting their time on questionably useful things like a crossbow.
Also kind of makes infiltrators a bit useless in a squad if any class can deploy darts now.

I disagree that xbows make infiltrators less useful. Infiltrators still have the best motion detection options in the game outside of scout radar. Motion darts last 4x longer and have much better range of detection. Then the motion sensor lasts up to 4 full minutes with the same range as motion darts. If you want to monitor an area for activity then the infiltrator provides the best options.

What the xbow allows is players to have a little better awareness at the cost of damage and it's way less useful than the primary motion options for infiltrator. It best for checking an area before you engage the enemy and for trying to figure out where the enemy is if they are killing people from a specific direction. It doesn't hold up to the infiltrator options in securing an area over time.

Edit: Just realized that motion sensors have 240 seconds duration at max rank which is 4 full minutes.. not 2.

2014-02-18, 10:57 AM
Do I like it? Nope.

2014-02-18, 12:23 PM
I like that it is more a situation tool for my Infiltrator, I usually carry the Cyclone so the Crossbow gives me a little more 1 shot hitting power at medium range, which is nice.

2014-02-18, 05:29 PM
Well, it's a lot easier to kill enemy cloakers now than when they all had SMGs. So there's that. Can't see me ever using it myself, though.

They cant win a 1v1, they are made for sneaking up on Enemies and kill them before they notice you (with knife).
So they're an expensive Rebel, then? Or an uglier revolver?

2014-02-18, 05:46 PM
I enjoy it with a medium range optic (3.4x) and the stalker cloak. I can get into some great spots behind enemy lines and just sit there pegging people off. Especially sundy spawns.

2014-02-19, 12:34 AM
So they're an expensive Rebel, then? Or an uglier revolver?

I'd rather say its a silenced commissioner, perfect for knifr combos and still very strong if ya know how to position.

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2014-02-25, 05:27 AM
Bought the anniversary pack which gives you the heartstring. Its a terrible weapon with terrible projectile speed and a pathetic explosive mode which takes 100 bolts to kill one tank.

Only worth it for the title :)

2014-02-25, 05:48 AM
I reconsidered crossbow after last weekend play. I enjoy it now especially when I found out it is OHK into the head in many cases but not always.

2014-02-25, 07:33 AM
Any class may carry a motion sensor.

Any class can carry an AV secondary weapon.

Any class may carry a secondary weapon with optics.

In the hands of someone who has practiced with it, the crossbow is a direct upgrade from all previous secondary weapons up to the weapon's maximum effective range.

There is no AV functionality for a primary weapon which matches the AV damage output of the crossbow. IIRC only UBGL can harm armor, and it is especially weak for the task.

I keep saying we need lumifiber bolts. Heartstring is much easier to use because the user can clearly see the arc pattern (especially with heavy ass explosive bolts).

I wonder if this would open the door for more AV primary/secondary weapons, like AV rounds for Lasher, MCG, and Jackhammer and NS-15M.

I really hope this opens the door for optics on conventional pistols, especially ones that are modeled with a rail for attachments. A lot of players complain that the Commissioner would be too powerful with optics, but given that the crossbow is even more powerful, that argument could soon wither away.

The motion sensor function is extremely watered down compared to the Infils's RDD, and so is the AV damage output compared to any other AV weapon. Even UBGL grenades do more damage.

The crossbow is kinda fun to use, but I would never classify it as a direct upgrade, not even over the default secondaries. And IMO it's a downgrade compared to the Commisioner or the Rebel.
It's only perks are range, stealth and the recon darts.

2014-02-25, 10:55 AM
I like it, it's very good when used in tandem with EMP grenades.

2014-02-25, 04:37 PM
Bought the anniversary pack which gives you the heartstring. Its a terrible weapon with terrible projectile speed and a pathetic explosive mode which takes 100 bolts to kill one tank.

Only worth it for the title :)

The fact that is sucks against NBTs is no reason to condemn the weapon. You had a ridiculous expectation. It is the ONLY pistol slot weapon that can even damage MBT and Sunderers, plus it is fun to shoot.

2014-02-25, 08:58 PM
Don't discount it against vehicles. 17 explosive-bolts for a MBT (18-19 for a Vanguard) If your running Ammo belt like I am you have 32 bolts to use. In my experience it's 3-5 bolts in the engine block to cause the MBT to freak out, pull back and look for what's hitting them.

If you're really good you can stalk the MBT to where they think there safe to get out and repair and kill the Tanker, or just go after already wounded MBT's.

As ar as full AT Experience against a MBT I've been using a Wraith Module flash with a Basilisk. On the off-chance they can zero in on my flash, it's to late, I've already done the damage, I can abandon the Flash and finish them off with the Cross-bow, easy!

EDIT: It's 4/40 bolts at max rank ammo belt

2014-02-26, 12:02 AM
I enjoy it and I just got it today. My k/d certainly did not go up with it but I've had some real fun times with it during my first day with it as infiltrator, stalker, and heavy assault. It seems to be the most versatile weapon in game, providing a way to work it into any class for many different reasons. I certainly wouldn't label it as OP, it's drop and damage degradation over range are both quite high and even at point blank it does not one-shot head shot beefy targets, just those not wearing strong enough nanoweave.

Rather than nerfing it's versatility, I hope they will make more weapons comparably versatile.

2014-03-08, 08:31 AM
I stopped using crossbow. With a simple pistol and stalker camo I'm much more effective at killing people.