View Full Version : broken game?

2014-05-15, 07:12 AM
Im just wondering if this game is unbalanced or is it just broken? I just emptied a 75 round clip into a TR light assault that was not even aware that I was there. nothing he turned around and shot me twice with my shield on and I died. Im level 30 and a member and he was level 19 not sure what is going on but its not the first time this has happened.

2014-05-15, 08:37 AM
I've found sometimes lag causes hit box fail but they turn around and kill me in 2 shots. It only happens occasionally in big fights.

2014-05-15, 08:39 AM
Hmm. That wouldn't be a balance issue, either you missed (I doubt it tho) or you had a hit registration problem.

Hit registration issues do crop up from time to time, often in hit pop areas. Mostly it's fine, sometimes it's not.

2014-05-15, 09:43 PM
Games has been crashing on me for the last 2 days. It crashes soon after log in. Anyone else has this problem or
am I the fortunate one?

2014-05-15, 11:21 PM
Well, the drivers sure as hell don't work. Every time they cut out it shuts off my microphone and will only turn back on if I exit the game.

2014-05-16, 01:15 PM
Thankyou for all your replies. maybe its time for a new comp. lol

2014-05-16, 04:11 PM
If you use Nvidia for your GPU, you should read this: http://www.reddit.com/r/Planetside/comments/25lxtp/nvidia_geforce_33781_beta_crash_fix

To sum up: Don't go past version 332.21 of the Nvidia drivers. Or try the beta driver linked in that reddit thread.

2014-05-16, 06:03 PM
I'll test out the new beta driver. The reason I didn't want to revert is because that would've cost me performance in other games.

2014-05-17, 01:29 AM
I'll test out the new beta driver. The reason I didn't want to revert is because that would've cost me performance in other games.

He means BF4. Because he ish a BF4 whore.

Traitor! :groovy:

2014-05-17, 02:23 AM
BF4, Titanfall, countless single player games in my massive steam library. Ya. lol

2014-05-17, 03:36 PM
BF4, Titanfall, countless single player games in my massive steam library. Ya. lol


2014-05-17, 06:24 PM
having trouble with PS2 start the game up then @ character chose i see green flashy boxes then play starts to load and kicks me. try and do this again and it does the same thing. also restart PC and still doesn't work. do i need to uninstall then install PS2 again or what

:cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::mad: :mad::mad::mad::mad:

2014-05-17, 08:54 PM
having trouble with PS2 start the game up then @ character chose i see green flashy boxes then play starts to load and kicks me. try and do this again and it does the same thing. also restart PC and still doesn't work. do i need to uninstall then install PS2 again or what

:cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::mad: :mad::mad::mad::mad:

I'm having the same problem. Haven't been able to play for the last six days. Really getting fed up with all the problems in this game.

2014-05-18, 05:06 AM
I haven't seen any issues so I'd suspect the problem is on your install. Have you tried the technical thread on the official forums.

That said a full reinstall may be something to try if you haven't tried that already.

2014-06-06, 12:26 AM
I have seen posts by people on the PS official forum about never getting over 30fps in big battles, especially at biolabs. This is people with highly overclocked CPU's and dual high-zoot graphics cards.

I think they need to rewrite the code and optimize it for computers that were built after 1980.

CPU bottlenecking was Planetside 1's problem too.

This game chokes on itself in big battles.

I think they need upgraded servers, too, as their average capacity is not what's important. What's important is peak capacity. And peak capacity is drastically below what it needs to be.

Oh, and far more streamlined code, too.

I was just in a big battle. It took several seconds for it to acknowledge that I had hit the vehicle terminal, then a while for the menu to come up, then even longer for the thing that you press to get the vehicle.

Then, I saw my vehicle schematic on the screen, and found myself somewhere else. I spawned to my vehicle and I was where it was (A Sunderer) and it was a flaming wreck. I never even got to drive it. And later another Sundy, it got blown up and I got booted right out of the game with the warning "don't fire on friendly forces". I didn't even have a mine laid, and I was attempting to use the terminal on the side of the vehicle.

The fact of the matter is the code sucks, and they have insufficient peak capacity to properly function when it is most needed.

Problem is, to optimize the code would require troubleshooting what is happening, which costs money, which, no matter how many billions they rake in, Sony doesn't ever seen to want to do. Businesses run by bean counters fail. Or rice counters.

Spend the money and provide a better product.

2014-06-06, 06:29 AM
I have seen posts by people on the PS official forum about never getting over 30fps in big battles, especially at biolabs. This is people with highly overclocked CPU's and dual high-zoot graphics cards.

I think they need to rewrite the code and optimize it for computers that were built after 1980.

CPU bottlenecking was Planetside 1's problem too.

This game chokes on itself in big battles.

I think they need upgraded servers, too, as their average capacity is not what's important. What's important is peak capacity. And peak capacity is drastically below what it needs to be.

Oh, and far more streamlined code, too.

I was just in a big battle. It took several seconds for it to acknowledge that I had hit the vehicle terminal, then a while for the menu to come up, then even longer for the thing that you press to get the vehicle.

Then, I saw my vehicle schematic on the screen, and found myself somewhere else. I spawned to my vehicle and I was where it was (A Sunderer) and it was a flaming wreck. I never even got to drive it. And later another Sundy, it got blown up and I got booted right out of the game with the warning "don't fire on friendly forces". I didn't even have a mine laid, and I was attempting to use the terminal on the side of the vehicle.

The fact of the matter is the code sucks, and they have insufficient peak capacity to properly function when it is most needed.

Problem is, to optimize the code would require troubleshooting what is happening, which costs money, which, no matter how many billions they rake in, Sony doesn't ever seen to want to do. Businesses run by bean counters fail. Or rice counters.

Spend the money and provide a better product.
and also tales of people who do get over 30fps etc.

they have optimised it under OMFG not least to enable it to perform for PS4 which has a fairly low spec compared to most PC's.

I don't know what evidence you can have to be able to say with credibility that 'their code sucks'.

2014-06-06, 08:01 AM
I have had no issues with the game for quite some time. Yea it lags in some big battles from time to time but no other game out there could even handle fights on this scale so I guess I can live with it. Hit detection in general compared to other FPS's I have plays is well above average.

PS2 is far from broken it just needs completed....

2014-06-06, 01:26 PM
The game runs far better now than it used to be. The most recent major patch made it feel a lot smoother for me personally, even if my framerates list about the same as before. My specs are listed on my Twitch page if you're curious.

Apparently making games highly multithreaded is hard, and that's what's required to fully utilize CPUs these days, with neither Intel nor AMD doing much to increase IPC or raw clockspeed. SoE just spent / wasted 8 months of doing next to zero updates to the game (while Zoe was ridiculously OP) doing optimization, the end of which we did get some pretty decent results. Most of which came at the cost of graphics, but some of which was utilizing the CPU better. The game is definitely uglier than it used to be, but it runs better on more people's computers.

I saw a quote that went something like: its the job of the programmers to make the game run faster, and the job of the artists to make the game run slower.

'Cause every time they add new stuff to the game, it comes at a cost. Which may be small individually, but can be large in aggregate.

War Barney
2014-06-14, 06:37 PM
Its a bit broken and a lot imbalanced. Broken because sometimes shots don't register, particularly with my jackhammer I can shoot people right in the chest with a full triple burst and they kill me having taken not damage.

Imbalance.. well thats down to how they made the factions sadly, TR get fast weapons NC get hard hitting weapons, VS get mega accurate weapons... guess which is best in a shooter where accuracy is key? VS basically never need to ADS in close quarters fighting which gives them the advantage where NC is meant to do well, and when aiming down the sight they also have an advantage (again where the TR should be doing well) as they can just aim at you and hold down the button while TR and NC need to burst fire or you'll be shooting the sun in a second.

Will it change? the broken bit probably, the horrible balance? probably not, they built the entire faction around this ridiculous concept so it would be way to much effort for them to rework the entire faction so its not OP as hell, and I don't think they know what niche the VS would fit without being mega accurate as the other 2 obvious ones are covered.

2014-06-17, 04:55 PM
I have seen posts by people on the PS official forum about never getting over 30fps in big battles, especially at biolabs. This is people with highly overclocked CPU's and dual high-zoot graphics cards.

I think they need to rewrite the code and optimize it for computers that were built after 1980.

CPU bottlenecking was Planetside 1's problem too.

This game chokes on itself in big battles.

I think they need upgraded servers, too, as their average capacity is not what's important. What's important is peak capacity. And peak capacity is drastically below what it needs to be.

Oh, and far more streamlined code, too.

I was just in a big battle. It took several seconds for it to acknowledge that I had hit the vehicle terminal, then a while for the menu to come up, then even longer for the thing that you press to get the vehicle.

Then, I saw my vehicle schematic on the screen, and found myself somewhere else. I spawned to my vehicle and I was where it was (A Sunderer) and it was a flaming wreck. I never even got to drive it. And later another Sundy, it got blown up and I got booted right out of the game with the warning "don't fire on friendly forces". I didn't even have a mine laid, and I was attempting to use the terminal on the side of the vehicle.

The fact of the matter is the code sucks, and they have insufficient peak capacity to properly function when it is most needed.

Problem is, to optimize the code would require troubleshooting what is happening, which costs money, which, no matter how many billions they rake in, Sony doesn't ever seen to want to do. Businesses run by bean counters fail. Or rice counters.

Spend the money and provide a better product.

I took a ~3 month hiatus and recently started playing again after building a new rig. Above average specs but not top of the line (i5 4670k running a measly 3.8GHz OC, GTX 770 2GB, 16GB RAM), and I'm running a minimum of 55fps in 48v48+ Biolab fights - if I'm anywhere else, I'm running 70-120+ fps at any given time.

My settings are all on High except for Graphics Quality (Medium) as well as having Shadows, Flora, Ambient Occlusion and Motion Blur OFF. Render quality is on 100% and render distance at 500. I'm running the latest stable Nvidia drivers (337.88). Latency wasn't as bad as I expected on a 18Mbps DSL connection - averaging 50-80ish ms, and no real noticeable hitches in hit detection.

My suggestion is to do a full reinstall for PlanetSide 2 as well as doing a fresh install of the latest GPU drivers for your card, and see if it runs any better.

2014-06-18, 05:07 AM
I recall way back smed said that you could put graphics quality at 81% and you won't notice the difference.