View Full Version : Fallen Heroes Charity Alert: This Memorial Day Weekend

2014-05-21, 06:00 PM
Few causes can unite the warring factions of Auraxis, but this Memorial Day weekend, we’ve finally found at least one. The Terran Republic’s Black Widow Company and BattleGroup Mattherson present, in cooperation with the Vanu Sovereignty’s Nightmare Battalion, the Fallen Heroes Charity Alert: a 3-day drive for the Intrepid Fallen Heroes Fund and International Rescue Committee.

Intrepid Fallen Heroes (https://www.fallenheroesfund.org/) works to provide care for US service members and veterans who suffer from traumatic brain injuries and post-traumatic stress, the invisible wounds of war. The International Rescue Committee (www.rescue.org) charges to the front in emergency efforts, responding to the worst humanitarian crises in the world. BWC and BGM invite all Mattherson soldiers to join us in battle, and online, for this fantastic cause.

The festivities begin for all of BattleGroup Mattherson this Friday, 23MAY. Opening ceremonies begin at 1900 EDT, streamed directly to Twitch and happening inside your PlanetSide 2 client, just a click and a character away. From that point forward, the action won’t stop until near close of day at 2300 EDT on Sunday, 25MAY. And BattleGroup Mattherson promises to be out in force.

If you want to go all in, Nightmare Battalion [NTMR] and Black Widow Company [BWC] are both raising funds for charities directly benefitting those men and women whom Memorial Day honors. Black Widow Company’s official charity, Play To Give Back™, (ptgb.org) will be collecting funds from TR faction members for Intrepid Fallen Heroes and the International Rescue Committee this weekend. Donation information for PTGB™ will be posted frequently during the event on the BWC Twitch channel, (http://www.twitch.tv/blackwidowcompany) or you can click here (http://the-bwc.com/fallen-heroes-charity-alert-close-to-home/) for more details. Nightmare Battalion has also created a CrowdRise page for their fundraising effort, which you can find by clicking here. (https://www.crowdrise.com/nightmaregiving)

Help kick off this Memorial Day with a 72 hour gaming marathon in honor of all the sacrifices made by those in uniform. Or, just log in for extra fights at all hours of the day. Either way, we’ll see you on Auraxis.

2014-05-21, 06:13 PM
I was looking for a new place to game but what I found was much more, dare I say a gaming family. I would not play half the games I enjoy today having not joined BWC and my time here has given me new levels of confidence and experience within the various genres of gaming we participate in, I started out unknown and bumbling through games but it was after my first interactions with the DI cadre that I started to understand how to actually play better and tactics to achieve victory.

It was at this point I knew what I was going to do with my time in BWC and decided I would give back to the community, it was only through the dedication and organisation of others that I got where I am and it was my goal to give back to my new family because without the people that came before me, I wouldn't have gained the game knowledge or leadership skills I have today and through this it gave me the confidence in myself to seek gaming excellence for myself and others.

2014-05-21, 06:19 PM
Day 1: What have you achieved with BWC that you couldn’t have achieved alone?
Ive become a far better player both in infantry and Armour. I was a decent tank pilot before i joined up with BWC, however running with a high organized force has not only taught me new things but has made me want to better in every aspect. I cannot thank BWC enough for giving me the opportunity for me to both enjoy this game at a relaxed and serious level as well as to further develop myself.
One Team, One Fight!

2014-05-21, 06:34 PM
The BWC’s camaraderie alone has exceeded any expectations I could ever have had. People are always there to help with an in game problem. Past experience is the people around you didn’t want you to become any better than they were. So I had to learn stuff alone. I’m making new friends in the BWC near and far across the planet and internet. Playing alongside veteran players has given me advance knowledge of several games. They share this information freely. The training from the BWC in PS2 alone has increased my game play dramatically. The knowledge and training may have come after many months of playing, but, without the BWC I couldn’t have done so much in such a short time.
PTGB Website (http://ptgb.org/)

2014-05-21, 06:44 PM
First and foremost I'd say level of enjoyment from gameplay has increased dramatically. There's nothing like having an unrelenting horde of like-minded butt-kickers on your side, to help you conquer the hill, beat the boss, and complete your quest. Being a part of the BWC family has raised my skill levels, and fun levels to new heights. Where else could I conquer an entire continent, and laugh all the way to the bank with friends? One Team, One Fight!

2014-05-21, 06:45 PM
Not only have I achieved a higher level of professionalism as dictated by our community, but I've made more friends than I could possibly imagine. I would've never guessed how ubiquitous our community is around the globe. I mean, I live within an hour-long distance from a dozen of them. They teach me not only how to be better at gaming, but how to be better as a person. I have learned to be compassionate about everyone I meet, respectful of even the most humiliating enemies, and highly efficient with getting work done.

It gives me a positive mindset to not only tackle challenges on the virtual world, but in the real world as well.

One Team. One Fight.

2014-05-21, 06:53 PM
Day 1: What have you achieved with BWC that you couldn’t have achieved alone?

Teamwork.Since I have been with BWC the Teamwork is the best I have ever seen.
In game and out of game.So many members work hard and play hard together.
Members (Friends) are always eager to help other members and non members in
anyway they can.BWC go's the extra mile.So I must say Teamwork and Friendship.


2014-05-21, 07:10 PM
Family... Our motto in the BWC is One Team One Fight. Joining the BWC team, has given me a sense of accomplishment, and pride that I have never received in any gaming clan, guild, or outfit. They have given me a place to call home and a family to enjoy it with. I have been PC gaming since 1999 and the BWC has given me the achievement of belonging some where, Something I have never achieved anywhere else. Thank you Black Widow Company.

2014-05-21, 07:37 PM
"The whole is great than the sum of its parts"
Never has that been more true than with my experience gaming with my brothers and sisters here at The Black Widow Company. The coordination and leadership that you will change your experience of PlanetSide 2. I guarantee this will seem like a totally different game. If you want to play with a great group of people who will help you raise your game to the next level, look no further than The Black Widow Company. So this weekend, take advantage of the 2x XP, roll at toon on Matherson, and join us. You will not regret it! Good luck everybody and I'll see you in game!

2014-05-21, 08:17 PM
When I first started playing PlanetSide 2, I had no idea how team-based the game was. Without a large group or significant amount of people, there was no way I was going to be able to take any bases unless I was attempting to ghost cap. BWC not only offered trainings and experience, but they showed a strong sense of camaraderie. I joined up and started taking bases, having fun, and most importantly, I built friendships. Without BWC, I feel that I would have put down PlanetSide 2 as a whole and I wouldn't have learned how to step up and lead large groups of members or have the current friendships I have.

2014-05-21, 09:13 PM
PlanetSide 2 is a brutal game if you are trying to go it alone, but there is hope! Certainly, you may have heard of the Black Widow Company (BWC)? Since joining BWC I went from a Zerg Pugging Newbie to a member of a highly effective and recognized organization. Without BWCs command and training climate, I would still be skull capped in 1.1 seconds. Now, I run with a squad that plays with precision, covering each other, and effectively taken the fight to the enemy. Life in PlanetSide 2 is so much more enjoyable, and I am constantly learning from real pros and friends from BWC.

2014-05-21, 10:31 PM
I never realized what I could accomplish with a large, organized group until I joined BWC. When I joined, I was pretty much completely new to the game, and BWC buckled down and taught me how to play. A lot of the trainings teach you how to play on your own, but a lot more of the trainings teach you how to work effectively with a group, and now that I know what it’s like, I have more fun playing in squads than I do playing alone. This event is just one of the many examples of the ways we can mobilize lots of people for great things.

2014-05-21, 10:34 PM
PTGB Website link (http://ptgb.org/)

2014-05-22, 08:09 AM
Without my BWC brothers and sisters watching my back, planning our next assault, organizing our forces into one cohesive unit, I'm sure my experiences in PS2 would be much different. I'd be limited to running around the battlefield, blindly following the mass of disorganized "pugs" into a pit of death.
Winning territory in PS2 is all about coordinated strikes, timing, and using sound tactics to defeat the enemy forces. Alone, I would be completely lost, forcign myself to play in order to try and earn more certs to unlock the next mod/item/weapon. I'd be lost, and bored.
With my BWC bretheren at my side, crushing the enemy beneath our boots and taking continents has become an EPIC experience. One Team, One Fight!

2014-05-22, 11:48 AM
Planetside 2 is an enjoyable game in it's core. While the difficulty with finding a well organized squad is difficult, I always have a blast with the gameplay. Joining Battlegroup Mattherson gives a highly professional gaming outfit to play with, but we all still have fun every once and a while with social operations and fundraisers such as this. I definitely felt a change in my PS2 experience when playing with Battlegroup Mattherson in terms of skill, experience, and score ^-^.

2014-05-22, 01:16 PM
Battlegroup Mattherson specially as a TR is always a challenge. Seems like more often then not we are out numbered at least 2-1. And its the cooperation of the TR outfits on Mattherson that more often the not that pulls our butts out of the fire for a win. Honestly I wouldn't have it any other way. Facing those challenges with my TR brethren watching my back, whether its with my BWC brothers and sisters, the 903rd, AOD, or the common zerg makes playing on Mattherson even more so enjoyable.

2014-05-22, 01:42 PM
First started PS2 as an individual during Beta, I wasn't able to stay in the game due to a bad graphics card. When I came to BWC in January I was in awe how these people worked together as a team. Then during one of my first ops several other groups showed up to help. Later I spoke to a fellow BWC member and was informed that we had called in other outfits that were part of the Mattherson Battle Group. Something I didn't realize existed. It changed my whole perspective on PS2. Not only were we BWC but we belonged to a larger group.

2014-05-22, 02:12 PM
Day 2: How has playing as part of Battlegroup Mattherson changed your PlanetSide 2 experience?

Battlegroup Mattherson:I have been with BWC over a year.I played MWO at first.When I tried PS2 with BWC Battlegroup Mattherson it was a blast.Yes were are most of the time out numbered.But that's were BWC shines we come together and kick butt.We also have great allies in game.I have had so much fun and feel honored the be part of BWC and Battlegroup Mattherson.


2014-05-22, 05:50 PM
The greater level of communications between the TR faction has allowed a co-operation that is unsurpassed and has meant we have gotten so much more achieved on an average operation night.

The organisation and tactical advantage that comes with this setup has meant the maneuvering on the battlefield has increased the fun we have and means the fights often come to us as we push forward.

I feel that I enjoy the game more and when the big fights come to fruition I have increased my skill level because the best of the other factions always end up in our sphere of influence, and the fights that go down always keep you thinking and pushing on to keep that fighting going.

2014-05-22, 06:04 PM
>>>----->Would You Like To Know More ?<-----<<< (http://ptgb.org/)

2014-05-22, 06:21 PM
Imagine over 120+ people operating like precise instruments in a greater machine. Looking at the strategic map every ten minutes and watching the red overtake the map. That has been my experience while playing within battlegroup Mattherson. Though this alliance, I have met and befriended not only folks from other TR outfits like 903rd but even some (gasp!)NC and VS folks. I've met and consider many of these people great friends. I've even hopped onto some of their TeamSpeak/Ventrillo servers to shoot the breeze after Alerts and such. We have a great community of players here.

2014-05-22, 06:53 PM
I love the scale of PS2, the sheer size is just amazing. BWC is awesome at it can respond to most events on the server, now combine that with allies helping us out in some of the biggest fights is simply all shades of awesome. I have been deployed on Joint Ops with our allies and its very reassuring to our allies storming a building to take a point while we do that exact same thing on another.Although we are allies we do push each other to higher feats of glory which further improves our own skills.

2014-05-22, 08:06 PM
Battlegroup Mattherson gave the Terran Republic a stronger foothold on Mattherson, while building an alliance with other communities in and out of game. This alliance helped us meet new gamers and different perspectives of the game. This has changed the way we play and encouraged teamwork above all. So with Battlegroup Mattherson's creation, I have experienced much more teamwork and excitement to see larger numbers and alliances working together on common goals.

2014-05-22, 08:22 PM
Battlegroup Mattherson changed my PS2 experience. Overall the Battlegroup dominates alerts with essential coordination and providing me with awesome playing experiences.

2014-05-22, 08:52 PM
Would You Like To Know More? (http://ptgb.org/) <-----<<<

2014-05-22, 09:04 PM
The combined forces of BattleGroup Mattherson are definitely going to make this weekend marathon into a huge fight. I thought we were able to accomplish a modest amount on a continent in just a BWC operation—until I hopped on for a Joint Op one night after we started working with BattleGroup Mattherson. Being able to send reinforcements and communicate more quickly with the other TR outfits has made any joint op nights into evenings where we can actually accomplish way more than we ever did before.

A whole weekend with all of BGM activated is going to mean way more and way bigger fights, so it’s a great time to make a TR character if you haven’t before.

2014-05-23, 01:22 PM
Day 3: What do you think makes Intrepid Fallen Heroes good enough to unite the warring factions of Auraxis?

Well just take a look http://www.fallenheroesfund.org/home.aspx.How can anyone not want to come together for something as great as helping this cause.We don't want to forget these men a women for what they did for our country.We play PS2 for fun but they were not playing.It was real for them.There was no re spawn.So lets come together and help these great men and women.BWC helps many causes.This is just one.We are a great group of people that help others.O yea we also play video games together check us out. http://the-bwc.com/


2014-05-23, 02:13 PM
Charity in itself is as good a reward as any to bring people together, countless tales throughout history tell of sworn enemies helping injured rivals or ceasing hostilities for a worthy event.

I feel when you are paying back people who risked everything to make our lives better or lost everything because of untold atrocities or disasters; this is what can break down boundaries and set about a monumental event that will make others think twice about the way they game, and how they give back to not just their local community but the worldwide community as a whole.

The people that benefit from both charities are not just those affected by the events that need our assistance but you yourselves, it will open your eyes to the world around you and make you strive for a better tomorrow.

Charity Links:
Intrepid Fallen Heroes Fund (http://www.fallenheroesfund.org/)
International Rescue Committee (http://www.rescue.org/)
Play To Give Back (http://ptgb.org/)

2014-05-23, 03:47 PM
Fallen Heroes is there to help the men and women who have sacrificed for our freedom, safety and values. Fallen Heroes is a beacon of light for those we love and honor. I can't think of anything more powerful than reaching out and giving a helping hand to those who need it. Meeting each other on the battlefield is always a blast... but now our past time has become more than just fun. Our gaming now makes superior care for our veterans a reality. Breath it in folks. Feel proud in knowing you are helping. Thank you.

2014-05-23, 05:38 PM
Fallen Heroes is a worthwhile org. that helps the men and women of our armed forces who gave all they had in order to instill our way of life, Democracy and freedom to all who want it. All types of people, no matter what backgrounds, will come together for a good cause. Coming together for a cause like Fallen Heros is more than enough to over look the game and join together for the benefit of our Veterans in need. If Fallen Heros isn't good enough to bring us all together, I couldn't tell you what would.

2014-05-23, 05:51 PM
As a veteran myself I salute the efforts of http://www.fallenheroesfund.org/home.aspx Sadly I dont believe our government does enough for our injured men and women who served our county. Private organisations like the FallenHerosfund step it up. Even though PS2 is a warring game with different factions, people on both sides have served or respect those that have served. Those that have served fought for not only our freedom and rights, but for everyones. Its this self-sacrifice that I believe can pull together the warring factions....and if not this then what?

2014-05-23, 05:53 PM
I wish you the best but I don't see you getting much relief. The #1 employer in the world is the US DOD and quite frankly that is just not sustainable. Most of my federal taxes go towards the US military and I just can't give anymore. Reagan ramped up the military in the 80's to shut down the Soviet Union and it did. The Russian's back then retreated spending while we did not due to the Military Industrial Complex. It's going to be hell to pay over the next few years while we correct our spending and I don't envy you folks depending on the military.

2014-05-23, 06:24 PM
In short, welcome back to minimum wage $7.25/hour.

2014-05-23, 07:44 PM
The Intrepid Fallen Heroes Fund serves United States military personnel wounded or injured in service to our nation, and their families. Can't think of a more worthy cause. Regardless of political affiliation, they were asked to serve and they answered. Can't think of an easier way to say thanks and pay tribute then to participate in this event. Heck, if you can even spare it, donate to this worthy cause.

2014-05-23, 08:43 PM
I think now, more than ever, considering what’s going on in the political sphere, that it’s really important to show our support for all veterans. Their plans for satellite locations will only increase the number of people they’re able to assist. And the International Rescue Committee will almost certainly always be in need of funding, because they take action in so many countries around the globe – I think I read somewhere around forty countries.

2014-05-23, 09:25 PM
Intrepid Fallen Heroes (IFH) has a strong foundation and principles that are inline with what I believe most of us believe in the Black Widow Company (BWC) and in Nightmare Battalion(NTMR). These principles are to give back as much as possible to those who have sacrificed so much to ensure freedom and a better livelihood throughout the world. I personally believe that IFH has brought us together because we as gamers and those that are veterans want to do what we can to help those out that have dedicated so much and made huge sacrifices to make the world a better place. I believe that we all agree that this is a just cause to support and I'm glad that we could form an alliance that could make a larger, world impact than just playing video games on a Friday night with friends.

2014-05-24, 01:36 AM
May 23rd: What do you think makes Intrepid Fallen Heroes good enough to unite the warring factions of Auraxis?

Gamers will always fight for any reason between the races. It could be for fame, power, wealth, or even basic gear. I believe I.F.H. is a great way to unite people, because everyone always wants to give back to those who give without question.

It sends a positive message to not only guilds/communities, but to the individuals we help even if they aren't gamers.

2014-05-24, 10:50 AM
What have you achieved with BWC that you couldn’t have achieved alone?


I will say this to all of you who read this, whether you are my brother in BWC or just a brother in arms or just a brother in need -- I will always be here for you. I will never leave you behind. If you ever need to talk, I will be here whether it's morning, night, or noon. All you need to do is reach out. Many of my brothers have my phone number -- if you don't have it, and you need to talk, PM me either here or preferably on the BWC forums. Ask for it. Reference this post. Give me a number. I will call you immediately. No one should ever be left behind, even survivors.

I ETS'd from the US Army in 2004 and then served as a private military contractor, continuing to deploy overseas on contract. I have served in Bosnia, Kosovo, Afghanistan, and Iraq. I have seen firsthand the horrors of war and the toll it takes on civilians and troops.

This is something I have never ever mentioned to anyone. I am choosing to come forth today, ten years after I ETS'd. I am a survivor.

I was an alcoholic. I self-medicated. It shows in my post history on numerous forums. I was a horrible, miserable, angry drunk and it cost me my family, it nearly cost me my military career, and it nearly ruined my life. This was before PTSD, survivor's guilt, and invisible wounds were buzzwords, before they were recognised, when they were still a stigma. I suffered night terrors. I woke in cold sweats, screaming. I tried to strangle my ex-wife when she made the mistake of waking me up. I lost my temper and put a hole in the wall. My ex-wife eventually got fed up with my bullshit, refused to back down, and we began exchanging bitter and hateful words. I became something I despised and didn't recognise. I shamed myself with my actions and my addiction. She gave up on us, and that was the end. She took my kid with her, and I did not see him again for six years.

Without my brothers in BWC, many of whom are comrades in arms, some of whom stood with me on real battlefields in far-flung third-world shitholes, I would not be here today. I would have either drank myself to death or I would have eaten the barrel of a gun. Without my brothers, I would be a statistic.

Through their compassion, grace, love, camaraderie, and understanding, I learned to cope. I learned to cut the bullshit. I learned to let go of my hatred and anger. I learned to struggle it out with the rest of my brothers. For some of them, I was their mentor on a path to military service. For some of them, I was their rock when they came home. For many of our members, I helped create a place, helped maintain that place, where they could play video games among fellow brothers in arms. And when my turn came, they were there for me.

Thank you, BWC. Thank you to all who have served, whether in the US Armed Forces or foreign services. And thank you to all the people who supported their brothers, serving or civilian. And for those of you who know someone that never came home, I share your grief and I will always honour their sacrifice.

Firefly, Black Widow Company
Commanding Officer // HMFIC

United States Army

2014-05-24, 11:46 AM
How have you experienced BWC's Motto, "One Team, One Fight."?

With a gaming community of over 1000, BWC fields hundreds of people across multiple games. With this many people playing at once, some people may feel insignificant in similar situations outside of BWC, or likewise feel that they aren't truly part of the team.

In BWC, we platform on top of everyone's opinion, as well as the opportunities for everyone to rise up and take leadership. Joining BWC may seem encompassing at first, but just ask around for people's opinions to find a place for you!

I myself joined BWC in November of 2013, and since then have risen to be part of our PR relations in the Pixel Warrior Office for artwork, commanded multiple platoons across multiple games, and am now billeted as a senior NCO!

2014-05-24, 01:38 PM
One Team, One Fight isn't just a saying it is the way we live and fight.

Whether it be in-game or out, we always stand shoulder to shoulder to make our goal happen, it is always fantastic to know you will have your brother with you to watch your back or a good cause to support with others.

Being a multinational community it is nice to find that there are so many like minded people to associate with daily and it is hard to say I have ever played anywhere else that our motto is actually lived.

2014-05-24, 01:42 PM
This is a motto of severe importance to the BWC. It not only stands for what the BWC is and does in gaming but also many projects outside the internet and in real life.

Being a veteran myself, three years Navy and three years Army. While in the service, I experienced a form of teamwork that I'd never seen before. Not just in the heat of combat but training and even just basic maintenance of a ship or barracks. I've now been a civilian for 20+ years and in all that time I haven't come across that same intensity of teamwork and brotherhood outside of the Service, Until now ! The Black Widow Company gives me a new experience in teamwork every time I log into the BWC website, jump in a game or even talking on team speak just chatting. One Team One Fight isn't just our motto, It's how we think! It's how we play ! It bans us together for one cause, one objective. I could continue to describe it but it would be better for you to see and experience it yourself. Come join us for some gaming fun and watch what, One Team, One Fight" REALLY means !

2014-05-24, 04:57 PM
One Team, One Fight... I experience this every day with BWC, whether I am in a game with my BWC brothers and sisters, on our forums, or helping a charity like http://www.fallenheroesfund.org/ When we game together we gather up, and move out as a team. When we talk to each other on the forums or teasmspeak, we joke with and help one another. And if its for a charity like this memorial weekend, We band together to help those who are in need of help. One Team, One Fight.....we live it daily.

2014-05-24, 05:02 PM
"One Team, One Fight" isn't just something we say. It's an ideal we strive for. Everytime I'm online gaming with my BWC brothers and sisters, we do combat as one huge team, fighting together to conquer or objectives. That includes the Fallen Heroes cause. All of BWC is here, ready to support this fantastic cause as a team. Tell you the truth, there has never been a moment I felt as though we were not One Team, One Fight.

2014-05-24, 05:20 PM
Day 4: How have you experienced BWC's Motto, "One Team, One Fight."?

Every day I am with BWC I experience it.When playing games or outside of gaming.
BWC is one team.We do things as one.No matter what games you play we work together and cross over in different games.Also outside of gaming we come together as one and we get things done as one to get to our goal.We fight side by side cover each others back.Being a Military style gaming group we follow Military core values and it works.It does make for a better gaming experience.As we say ONE TEAM ONE FIGHT!

Lets not forget our troops that live ONE TEAM ONE FIGHT.


2014-05-24, 07:00 PM
Even though I’ve never been in the military myself, once I joined BWC I could appreciate just how tight the bonds of military service can make friendships. Our community is like a family: beyond just our inter-outfit (and inner outfit) cooperation in PS2, BWC meets up at least once a year so everyone can visit in person. “One Team, One Fight” means a lot more when we’re given the opportunities to get to know each other outside of the games, and it just makes us that much stronger when we’re gaming.

2014-05-24, 11:29 PM
May 23rd: What do you think makes Intrepid Fallen Heroes good enough to unite the warring factions of Auraxis?

Its the warriors we salute and pay respects to, while virtually uniting to honor them. BattleGroup Mattherson leading the way

2014-05-24, 11:32 PM
"One team, One fight" The BWC motto not only applies to how we approach online gaming, but also how we support and help each other outside the game. It's great to know that your battle brothers and sisters have your back. In my time with this community ( About 9 months ) I have seen some phenomenal acts of generosity and kindness. If you are looking for a place where you can find people willing to not only help you be a better gamer but a better individual, then look no further than The Black Widow Company.

2014-05-24, 11:43 PM
Black Widow Company's motto, One Team One Fight, are not only words, but the culture instilled upon the brothers and sisters. Success is not automatic, it is gained by trust, a common goal, and organization. BWC is a veteran gaming organization that knows and lives the motto to the tee.

2014-05-25, 01:07 AM
Memorial Day is quite special for my family, friends and I. We remember and honor those that made the ultimate sacrifice for our us. It's the weekend we all get together and enjoy some barbecue out under the sun, and tell the war stories of our ancestors. We remember those that are no longer with us in form, but never forgotten in our hearts.
Enjoy your Memorial Day weekend! One Team, One Fight!

2014-05-25, 03:41 AM
I experience BWC's One Team, One Fight (OTOF) in almost every aspect of my life and that's what it means. Here, let me explain...

When I joined BWC, I was simply looking for an organized PS2 outfit. However, when I joined, I was immediately sucked into friendships and this family. As a BWC member I became fairly involved with my squad/platoon/outfit member's lives. If they weren't 100%, I could tell and I made it my personal mission to get them back to full capacity. Part of what OTOF means is fighting on the battlefield together, but the most significant part is helping your "virtual friends" with anything off the "field".

2014-05-25, 03:56 AM
Charity is something that I strongly believe in, as everyone needs a hand now and again, even if they won't or are too proud to admit it. A good cause like helping struggling families, injured veterans or serious illness is something that all good people should try to help, whether it be actually lending your time and effort or just providing a few quid to help with costs or research.

What makes an event that celebrates the sacrifices of the brave men and women that came before us, so strong with me, is that the vast majority of my family (myself included) have served in various branches of the British military, and the chance that you could or have given your blood, sweat and tears in service of others is no small feat. I for one feel, the times which we live in are so uncertain and violent, that if it wasn't for that small group of people, we wouldn't have the freedoms we have in our lives.

2014-05-25, 08:58 AM
Memorial Day is a time to reflect and honor those who have passed on to the next phases in their lives. Our community honors those by holding events in remembrance, and by building our life links to those that remain behind. Memorial day with a Veteran organization like BWC is incredible, as many of us of have been touched by loss of comrades, but we shall not forget, nor not take care of those families that have experienced a lost loved one. To all the fallen comrades, we salute you!

2014-05-25, 12:30 PM
What makes Memorial Day (or other similar holidays, for non-US Americans) important to you? To me Memorial Day is a day to remember those who sacrificed everything to give us the freedom we have today. Its to remember and thank ALL who served for our country. So on Memorial Day when you are having that backyard barbecue/cookout with family and friends, ask yourself what did this meal cost? Dont think in dollars or money, think about the brave men and women who gave everything for you to be able to do so. All gave some, but some gave all.

2014-05-25, 12:49 PM
Even though I have never had the honor of serving, Memorial Day is important to me because I not only do I have many friends that are veterans, but I also work in the Defense Industry. I am proud of the fact that my work directly impacts boots on the ground and help to bring more of those they belong to home. I will end with this quote:
"Never regret growing older, It is a privilege denied to many."

2014-05-25, 02:01 PM
Memorial Day is the one of the days we remember our Service members for their sacrifice. We honor our veterans and our fallen heroes. We celebrate our independence from England on July 4th. The United States was founded on the dreams, hard work and sacrifice of many colonists. This country is only a little over 200 years old. A mere baby compared to some. There are countries that haven't accomplished what we've done in many hundreds of years of existance. It's important to let the world see that if Freedom and democracy is what they choose to have, they too can achieve it! Our holidays are not just American celebrations for us as citizens alone, It's an opportunity to show the world they too can be free.

2014-05-25, 03:55 PM
What do you think makes Intrepid Fallen Heroes good enough to unite the warring factions of Auraxis?

Its a cause that everyone get behind, even with differing opinions. It is a great way to for people to show their support as well enjoy themselves playing PS2.

How have you experienced BWC's Motto, "One Team, One Fight."?

Yes, many times playing PS2 that every motto is at the crux of action BWC does. Whether it be storming a building or planning a route of an attack BWC operates to keep us together and fight our enemies on the battle field.

2014-05-25, 06:59 PM
Day 5: What makes Memorial Day (or other similar holidays, for non-US Americans) important to you?

Memorial Day is very important to me to remember the men and women who gave there life's and who put there life in harms way.So America can be free.I am a veteran and I am sitting here able to have the freedom to say whet I want.I want to say we will never forget what our troops have done.We Honor them today and every day.Lets not forget the family's of our troops that sacrifice also for our country.Being part of BWC reminds me everyday the brotherhood and Honor of Active personal and veterans of our armed forces.


2014-05-25, 07:32 PM
Two of my grandfathers served in the military during wartime. One of my grandfathers flew transport missions into Vietnam. The other was in WWII in the Navy. Memorial Day honors not only the sacrifice of time, but also the ultimate sacrifice. For many soldiers, they keep their lives, but carry the scars of their time served. A lot of people take Memorial Day to reflect; others use it to celebrate life. I’m sure there are better ways to celebrate this weekend, but spending time participating in this marathon to benefit the soldiers Memorial Day honors has got to be one of the good ones.

2014-05-25, 10:28 PM
Day 5: What makes Memorial Day (or other similar holidays, for non-US Americans) important to you?

Memorial Day isn't just some day for BBQ on my lawn with all my friends. It's a time for me to remember all the friends that I know who are serving across the world, and the ones I would love to be able to invite to my house.

Eventually, I will graduate as an Army Officer in 2017, and earn a different meaning to Memorial Day.

It reminds me that we are not free by our own ideologies and laws, we are free by the service and sacrifice of more honorable people.