View Full Version : NC of Emerald

2014-07-01, 05:53 PM
I welcome any and all outfits of the NC of Emerald to a Teamspeak meeting on Sunday July 13 at 8PM EST.

This is an attempt of NCHQ and NCU to get the outfits of Mattherson (NCU) and Waterson (NCHQ) to have a sitdown and get to know each other. With the merge there has been confusion and hell over leader chat plus distrust among the NC from not knowing who we are playing with anymore. This leads to an unorganized mess on the field and both TR and VS have taken this time to hit us as we are weakened. It is time to get past this and put a voice to the names.

If any of you want to know more, then please sign up for the NCHQ website for more information such as the agenda, what Teamspeak this will be on, and more. You will need to apply first in order to read the public forums, be a member of a NC outfit to see the barracks sub forums, and an outfit leader to see the Board Room sub forums.

2014-07-13, 12:17 PM
Small reminder. This is TODAY at 8pm EST!

Last chance to get on the forums and take part in the meet.

2014-07-14, 09:45 AM
Chewy any update on how the talks went? NC leadership was a cluster on Mattherson before the merge (not for lack of effort of it not to be), also with the merge and the addition of Hossin add I am sure it has complicated things.

PM if that would be better.

2014-07-14, 02:45 PM
Chewy any update on how the talks went? NC leadership was a cluster on Mattherson before the merge (not for lack of effort of it not to be), also with the merge and the addition of Hossin add I am sure it has complicated things.

PM if that would be better.

It went better than I thought at first. Some normal headbutting but with it being the first meet just getting the handshake done and not killing each other is a good start. We have plans to do faction wide events soon. One this week and another next week so far.

I got a recording of the meet posted in the NCHQ forums. It lasted over an hour and one main point seemed to sink in. Mattherson and Waterson does not exist anymore and each of them had their own ways to do things. We are Emerald and need to find common ground. We found some last night. I take that as a win in my book.

I don't a reason why I couldn't PM you a link to the recording as anyone that's linked to a NC outfit on the NCHQ forums can have a copy if they wish.

2014-07-14, 02:59 PM
Thanks Chewy!