View Full Version : How does buying attachments work?

War Barney
2014-07-02, 05:34 PM
Basically I just want a definitive answer as it says you unlock attachments account wide like with other things so, if I buy the laser sight on a LMG with SC does it unlock the laser sight on every weapon for every class (that can use it) or is it only for LMGs?

2014-07-02, 05:51 PM
It unlocks as per that weapon. So if you paid for a silencer on an Armistice SMG for the TR, it would not give you a silencer for the TR Hailstorm SMG or NC Cyclone SMG. However, if you were to make another TR on another server, you would have the Armistice silencer unlocked.
If you were to pay for the silencer on the NS7-PDW, since the weapon is available to all three factions, the silencer would also be unlocked for all.

War Barney
2014-07-03, 09:06 AM
I hope thats not how it is as if it is its VERY overpriced, 175 SC laser sight for only 1 weapon... you'd need to REALLY have a lot of spare cash and no time to every play to spend about £2 for 1 attachment for 1 gun, at that rate a fully upgraded gun in SC would cost close to £20