View Full Version : Having one locked continent is good, do that!

Babyfark McGeez
2014-07-13, 01:31 PM
Allright, i ranted about having no options (seriously, wtf), so i feel i should also point out what i liked when i ventured back into PS2 the past week.

Since miller was pretty much a ghost town whenever i played i hopped over to emerald. And damn, that was pretty good. I don't think i can remember a time on the live server where i saw multiple 48v48 fights. ON AMERISH.

The bases on hossin also were pretty good with some original ideas. I happened to spawn at the crappy ones first but later found some really good ones (see my Chac water purification thread).

But the biggest fun for me was playing the "locking game". You see, since only one continent can be locked at any given time it means locking a new one opens up the locked one. It's so simple, but it adds quite a bit of empire-wide strategy.
Do we wait untill TR has captured amerish before we make our push on hossin to cap it? Or will TR notice and quickly try to stop our lock here then? If we have a lock how can we distribute our troops so well over the remaining continents to prevent another lock for as long as possible?
It's all about timing and troop coordination, which to me looked like a great addition. It loses a lot of that appeal when 2 continents are locked though, especially on servers with a low population. But i liked the added depth, at times you could really see the gears of the warmachine grinding there, just like in PS1.

Tl;Dr: Merge the EU servers into one or two of Emerald proportions and have only ONE continent locked at all times for a much needed layer of empire wide strategies involving timing and troop coordination.

2014-07-13, 03:46 PM
Wasn't Miller one of EU's top ranking servers with the most population overall?
What happened?

War Barney
2014-07-13, 04:20 PM
Wasn't Miller one of EU's top ranking servers with the most population overall?
What happened?

If its anything like woodman everybody got bored of 1 faction dominating and quit. Not played on Miller but I'm surprised anybody plays woodman anymore the VS tend to have 40%+ pop most of the time and the TR wont fight them so it ends up 60-70% pop vs the NC most of the time.

It would be awesome to get a merge for woodman, hopefully with a server that has some TR with balls so they fight back, and more NC that work together, right now we have basically 1 big outfit BUT its big cos we let everybody in even if they never join platoons or listen to orders. As for VS.. well it would be nice to fight competent VS but with even numbers, all the VS on woodman do is zerg about with a huge pop, they've done it so long they actually brag about how superior there tactic of zerging is to everybody else.

Besides that it would be nice to have more people, right now the only fighting is on hossin, 2 conts are permanently locked and the cont which isn't hossin is always being ghost capped by 70% pop.