View Full Version : Starting to realise PS2 is a bit shitter than I used to think

2014-08-25, 03:39 PM
I came back to try VS and at first it felt good but on this team as well as TR it also feels like an absolute grind to solo and get kills.

Lancer isn't strong, AV max isn't strong, Its all weak.

There was this choke point on Hossin which should have been built for a 64 man server, appauling map build, we all got stuck and couldn't drive back out of cover of this northern valley bridge.

Conclusion: On top of the many bugs and the fight rapidly moving to a new location and SOE incompetence, I don't see the game being busy anymore.

2014-08-25, 03:40 PM
Also: I want to be able to repair on a pad or at a base. Its all a bit crap.

THINK: 4 faces on new character screen compared to 20-30 on PS1. PS2 is some BASIC BITCH.


2014-08-26, 04:07 PM
English please.

2014-09-13, 01:17 PM
PS2 is some BASIC BITCH.

Nobody knows what the flying mortal fuck you're talking about or what that is supposed to mean. If you would posit a question and at least appear to be trying to start a conversation instead of bitching and complaining you might get somewhere.

Me? I'm actually beginning to have fun again -- despite the lack of engie deployables that let you shape the battlefield, despite the lack of an intercontinental lattice, despite the shitty open base design and the no-deployment kludge zones. This game is right about where it shoulda-coulda been upon release.

2014-09-13, 07:30 PM
Allow me to translate:

I came back to try VS and at first it felt good but on this team as well as TR it also feels like an absolute grind to solo and get kills.

Lancer isn't strong, AV max isn't strong, Its all weak.

OpolE: "VS weapons feel weak while soloing".

Can't comment on that, as I only played NC and not recently.

There was this choke point on Hossin which should have been built for a 64 man server, appauling map build, we all got stuck and couldn't drive back out of cover of this northern valley bridge.

"Zerg gets choked into a Hossin bridge fight and traffic jams mess up maneouvres and stuff blew up before it could retreat."

Assumed result: total destruction of the forward troops and possibly more.

Well yes, that's what you get when you allow everyone to acquire a (heavy) tank or ground vehicle, without consolidating troops in just a few units to make them effective, with gunners that can fire on the move constantly in non-forward facing positions, with manoeuvring space because the amount of units is less and thus the tanks not taking up so much road volume and a driver pressing on, focusing on manoeuvres to prevent a stand still of the entire collumn, rather than what PS2 does: have a lot of tanks take up space, stand still to be able to fire and have a long stationary conga line of ducks in a barrel form behind them and blocking them from backing up into cover...

And some people still wonder why we asked for dedicated drivers.

Conclusion: On top of the many bugs and the fight rapidly moving to a new location and SOE incompetence, I don't see the game being busy anymore.

OpolE: "Pops seemed to have dropped, swift movement of the fight doesn't seem to hold any appeal unlike suggested somewhere by someone (?)."

Don't quite understand the "despite" argument:

Swift movement of fights is a problem: no resistance, no fight. No possibility of winning by providing defensive resistance, no reason to fight. People come for fights and want to be able to impact these fights (personally or as a group). That's pretty hard to do in PS2 in comparison to PS1 (in part due to numbers, in part due to a lot of game mechanics). And early game performance probably scared a few off too.

Also: I want to be able to repair on a pad or at a base. Its all a bit crap.

OpolE: "I want PS1 airpads including repair benefits or Air Tower benefits".

Aka: "I used to play TR, where's my auto-Oshur Dropship Center benefit. What do you mean, get out and do it yourself like everyone else, especially those in ground vehicles?"

THINK: 4 faces on new character screen compared to 20-30 on PS1. PS2 is some BASIC BITCH.

OpolE: "PS2 doesn't offer extensive character customization to be hidden behind the helmets and inside the tanks."

True enough, though I don't think it's extremely relevant considering you won't see faces most the time. At least it keeps the textures to be loaded low and simple (camo is less advanced than face textures I would presume) so that's kinda forgiveable.


OpolE: "Only basic features are in."

Well yes, it needed at least 1,5 years more of development before it should have been launched out of beta, IMO. But we've known that for a long time. :/

2014-09-17, 03:36 PM
I don't think PS2 is shitty, but I am currently tired of it. The game hinges too much on good outfit/platoon play to be fun, imo, unless you're solo'ing in a vehicle.

But yeah. I'm tired of the grind. Taking a break for awhile.

2014-09-17, 05:03 PM
Nobody knows what the flying mortal fuck you're talking about or what that is supposed to mean.
How To Tell if You***39;re a Basic Bitch - YouTube

Pretty self-explanatory.

I think the key is in OpolE's first post where he mentions "solo" being a grind.
Join a squad. This ain't Skyrim bucko.

2014-09-18, 04:42 AM
Funnily enough I found the opposite. Getting kills at a positive k/d is pretty easy solo. And, although I only played one extended session as VS (quite a few short ones) I found the vs weapons just as good as the TR ones.

But, the game is really about nice looking graphics (which are really nice), hats and camo and then kills and that can only keep me interested for a relatively short while.

2014-09-27, 06:58 PM
"Zerg gets choked into a Hossin bridge fight and traffic jams mess up maneouvres and stuff blew up before it could retreat."

Assumed result: total destruction of the forward troops and possibly more.

Well yes, that's what you get when you allow everyone to acquire a (heavy) tank or ground vehicle, without consolidating troops in just a few units to make them effective, with gunners that can fire on the move constantly in non-forward facing positions, with manoeuvring space because the amount of units is less and thus the tanks not taking up so much road volume and a driver pressing on, focusing on manoeuvres to prevent a stand still of the entire collumn, rather than what PS2 does: have a lot of tanks take up space, stand still to be able to fire and have a long stationary conga line of ducks in a barrel form behind them and blocking them from backing up into cover...

And some people still wonder why we asked for dedicated drivers.

I agree but damn is Hossin shit to fight on at any level. Theres chokepoints for air on that map, vehicles have zero space to maneuver (which would be fine if it wasnt every square inch of the map). And to think i hated Amerish mountains.

Theres base turrets mounted facing a tree not being able to shoot at things...


2014-10-05, 06:18 AM
Once again - the core problem seen in this thread is OpolE.