View Full Version : New update allows very low settings players to see infiltrators now??!!

2014-10-06, 05:36 PM
Since my computer is a toaster, I have to run it on very low settings at 500 render distance. I'm was barely able to see infils and my cloaked self. However, the new update forces it! Interesting. I highly doubt it, but maybe SOE optimized the game enough so that very low players can see them as much as medium-ultra players can now w/o a drop in FPS. PS2 and optimization don't really go together nowadays, though.

2014-10-06, 10:57 PM
I was noticing cloakers last night too; I think my toaster is set to Medium. Though, I've always been able to see cloakers within <10m or so I believe...

2014-10-08, 08:13 PM
I noticed this evening that on medium they are crazy easy to see while moving. I was looking out though the vehicle bay shield of a bio lab and saw a guy run passed quite a ways away, roughly half way to the outer wall of the base. That one was really shocking to see. Other times I just ran behind them as if they weren't even cloaked at all.

All this while getting some really annoying micro stuttering...

2014-10-17, 03:16 AM
I am being seen quite easily it seems the last week or so... as if it wasn't bad enough that the playerbase that plays 80% of the time with the class that has the automatic 'I Win' button...

War Barney
2014-10-17, 05:09 PM
Still if we can see them easier now that I win button is less effective, always thought stealth was a horrible idea... theres a reason almost every BR100 I see has settled on a inf with a smg as the most powerful class...

2014-10-17, 06:28 PM
Still if we can see them easier now that I win button is less effective, always thought stealth was a horrible idea... theres a reason almost every BR100 I see has settled on a inf with a smg as the most powerful class...

The 'I Win' button is the heavy shield.

2014-10-18, 09:48 AM
Now that low settings players like me can see infiltrators, my K/D ratio will be 420!

War Barney
2014-10-18, 10:03 AM
The 'I Win' button is the heavy shield.

Hardly, it lets you survive maybe a second longer while stealth lets you escape almost any situation and can give you 1-2 seconds drop on people making it the ultimate win button. Most kills that aren't just people camping shooting at each other are got by getting behind the enemy and shooting from an unexpected angle, infs can do this better than anybody with their mega i win button

2014-10-18, 12:01 PM
No recoil/CoF and ESP hacks appear to be the most prevalent "I Win Button" in PS2. Most people don't use them, so it's laughably clear when someone does.

"No. You are bad and they are awesome!!!!11!!!!1" - Lance Armstrong.

War Barney
2014-10-18, 04:42 PM
Well not many may use all of them but I imagine a lot remove just 1 or perhaps reduce them instead of removing them.

Sad fact is if the only way they catch hackers is by them using very obvious hacks so you can't help but notice then it would be easy to just say increase your health by 10% , reduce recoil 20%, reduce cof 20%, and nobody would notice. Hell you could even have a hack for infinite ammo, whos going to notice 1 person not running out of ammo in a game where people die non stop and you can pickup ammo from the floor vie engis?

2014-10-22, 02:27 AM
I don't bother reporting hackers/griefers/exploiters anymore with a support ticket. It's obvious our reports are set aside/pigeonholed, then later automatically rubberstamped as "resolved" because nobody had a chance to process it in time. This means they dont' have enough GMs.

2014-10-22, 05:11 PM
I don't bother reporting hackers/griefers/exploiters anymore with a support ticket. It's obvious our reports are set aside/pigeonholed, then later automatically rubberstamped as "resolved" because nobody had a chance to process it in time. This means they dont' have enough GMs.

How do you know?

2014-10-22, 06:26 PM
How do you know?

Because they send you an email 2 weeks later saying they didn't really 'investigated' since you didn't provide the additional information they asked for (huh?:confused: ) hence they will just mark it as "resolved" for that technical reason.

What additional information do they want? I don't know. All the information needed was already provided at the initial ticket. No additional requests were given. It's simply a technical loophole they devise to close tickets and mark them as "resolved". In short, too many tickets, not enough GMs.

2014-11-14, 12:44 AM
Hardly, it lets you survive maybe a second longer while stealth lets you escape almost any situation and can give you 1-2 seconds drop on people making it the ultimate win button. Most kills that aren't just people camping shooting at each other are got by getting behind the enemy and shooting from an unexpected angle, infs can do this better than anybody with their mega i win button

Most played: Heavy. Least played: Infiltrator.

Yeah, like you would understand. :p