View Full Version : PlanetSide 2 Performance and System Specification Survey

Alex Windia
2014-10-22, 05:46 PM
So as suggested by the guys over on /r/Planetside, I've come here to kindly ask you all if you'd spare a few minutes to take part in a little survey I've done up. The aim of this survey is to help understand what kind of system configurations are the most common among the Planetside 2 community and to also find out what the most common grievances among players are.

Hopefully if we can get a good response we can get a good clear picture of what kind of systems a good portion of the playerbase is running and what grievances players and can forward this on to the developers. I know that the devs have various tools that allow them to investigate what set-ups users are using as well, but with this we can also share key performance measurements and bugs and glitches that may not normally show up on their systems, as well as some more personal feelings about the state of the game.

http://goo.gl/forms/Nvu5R9yDSX <- Click here to fill out the survey.