View Full Version : ►Why PLANETSIDE 1 is better than Planetside 2! [VIDEO]

2014-11-09, 12:38 PM

This is my video explaining why Planetside 1 is better in my opinion than Planetside 2. My view which is shared by thousands of players. I have highlighted all the priority problems that I believe with basic explanations without too much confusing detail.

Take it seriously and if you are only a Planetside 2 player and have thought about trying the first one. Then 1.6gb download to test it out is worth the time.

Planetside 1 is FREE TO PLAY and here is the download link to get you started. https://launch.soe.com/installer/PS_setup.exe

Thank you.

2014-11-09, 08:48 PM
Shut up you tool.

2014-11-10, 04:17 AM
Shut up you tool.

2014-11-10, 11:00 PM
Shut up you tool.
Uhhh... YEAH...
I don't think he's the tool here.

2014-11-11, 03:15 PM
Sad but true. A HD Remake of PS 1 would be Epic.

2014-11-12, 03:27 PM
Shut up you tool.

A useful tool in helping people to realise that Planetside 1 was better :groovy:

2014-11-17, 12:35 PM
The original idea for Planetside 2 was to remake the original game. I really wish they would have.

I tried logging in a few times this weekend. Every time that same hacker was logged in and just one shotting everyone, and by everyone, I mean like 4 of us.

It's not even worth trying to get people to play at this point there is no population at all, and you won't even get a feel for how the game plays before the guy kills you from across the map.

Super lame.

2014-11-19, 01:44 PM
Can't imagine why someone would still bother to troll in PS1... :/ How sad must one's life be?

2014-11-21, 12:44 PM
PS1 is awful now.

Just look at the map and UI, how spartan and desolate it all is.

It belongs in another era, in the past.

Its simplicity remains charming, only to the simple.

2014-11-22, 09:58 AM
Giving the game some "next gen" game graphics is what is probably sucking up all the dev's time.
I seriously have trouble looking up all those insanely cool underground bases and figure why they haven't done the same in PS2 yet.

Maybe the new generation of gamers simply don't give a fuck about gameplay and all they want is logging on, doing great or getting owned then logging off... I can't think that anyone well informed would want that but the fact is most people don't stop and think about games, they just play them as is and "enjoy" them.

2014-11-22, 02:24 PM
There were definitely some cool things I miss about Ps1-andi had a wonderful time playing it back in the day.

But overall(not just graphics) PS2 is a much better game.

Personally I miss the flight controls from PS1 and wish the class structure wasnt so strict in PS2.
But there are so many things that I prefer about PS2 that I cant list them.

2014-11-23, 01:00 PM
PS1 is awful now.

Just look at the map and UI, how spartan and desolate it all is.

It belongs in another era, in the past.

Its simplicity remains charming, only to the simple.
I suppose by UI you're meaning what you see when you press U and P and look at stats and that sort of thing. I agree with you there.

But, I don't think the hud is as good in fact I think it's pretty poor for a modern mmo and I reckon as SOE develop the engine via other titles it will/should improve. The elements I'm referring to are the text chat and the mini map that you can't move nor resize (except via the H key in the case of the mini map) and also I really liked the kill spam in ps1 which was useful tactically.

Also, I think the squad+platoon bar is much better that the squad list in ps2. You may say with a platoon of 4 squads of 12 instead of 3 of 10 there wouldn't be space, but I'd disagree I think it could be fitted in and even resized down a little.

The biggest criticism of ps2 is that it's a series of death matches and this is reflected in base design. PS2 bases are designed to give equal advantage to attackers and defenders. Now this is correct and all fine and dandy as long as your vision of ps2 is for 80 different maps stitched per continent for death match fights. However, if your vision for planetside is for a 'war' encompassing the world then you look on base design differently.

I'll just finish up by saying that there's a lot to like in ps2.

2014-11-23, 04:19 PM
Giving the game some "next gen" game graphics is what is probably sucking up all the dev's time.
I seriously have trouble looking up all those insanely cool underground bases and figure why they haven't done the same in PS2 yet.
Indeed, you wouldn't believe how long it took us to get them to put in those Tunnels from the Spawn Building into Tech Plants and Amp Stations...

The biggest criticism of ps2 is that it's a series of death matches and this is reflected in base design. PS2 bases are designed to give equal advantage to attackers and defenders. Now this is correct and all fine and dandy as long as your vision of ps2 is for 80 different maps stitched per continent for death match fights. However, if your vision for planetside is for a 'war' encompassing the world then you look on base design differently.
Indeed, and this is the biggest issue I have with those wanted a drastic overhaul to Redeploy just because Organized Zergs are using it for last minute Base Floods as well as Mordelicius hate on NDZs...
DEFENDERS are suppose to have the Inherent Advantage!

2014-11-29, 06:22 AM
PS1 is awful now.

Just look at the map and UI, how spartan and desolate it all is.

It belongs in another era, in the past.

Its simplicity remains charming, only to the simple.

Tbh, the PS1 map UI is more advanced and usable than the PS2 map UI, which looks flashier (sharper font and all), but doesn't provide the information as neatly sorted nor does it provide the internal building information for instance.

"Spartan and desolate" is one way to describe it, you could also use the terms "clean and efficiënt" without unnecessary clutter detail, reducing it to the information you actually need and allowing space for the hundreds of player dots. When I look at the PS2 map, it provides an overkill of lines and information which you cannot use for navigation or orientation easily, especially during combat. :/

Graphics don't make the map, the way it handles information does.

2014-11-29, 05:20 PM
lol. PS2 fuckheads trying to whine because PS1 might have done nearly everything better. the only thing PS2 ever had over PS1 is weapon variety in the number of weapons in the game. also lol at this forum's activity level.

