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[url=] Spectres[/url] is a Terran Republic outfit on Connery.
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[url=] Warrior Nation[/url] is a New Conglomerate outfit on Ceres.
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[url=]101st Spaceborne[/url] is a Vanu Sovereignty outfit on Connery.
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[url=]101st Terran Army[/url] is a Terran Republic outfit on Mattherson.
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[url=]104th Recon[/url] is a New Conglomerate outfit on Cobalt.
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[url=]108th Assault Regiment[/url] is a Terran Republic outfit on Briggs. The 108th Assault Regiment is a multi-gaming, multi-platform gaming clan for PC, XB1 and PS4. First founded in late 2015 by founders Nano & Sniprohunter to create a casual/competitive gaming community for a large range of games. Including PlanetSide 2. The 108th Assault Regiment, are currently looking for a division commander to command the Planetside 2 Division for the 108th.
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[url=]117th EST[/url] is a New Conglomerate outfit on SolTech.
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[url=]117th Helljumpers[/url] is a Terran Republic outfit on Woodman.
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[url=]152nd Spaceborne[/url] is a Vanu Sovereignty outfit on Helios.
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1st Strike Team is a New Conglomerate outfit on Connery that prides itself on community and teamwork. The outfit is the second formation of the CCG outfit (1200 members) after drama occurred with one of the CCG Founders. All officers and the majority of the CCG active player base migrated to 1STS to establish a new home. We have since grown to over 600 members and continue to expand. Our mission is to not only provide the player with an organized, fun group to play with, but to create a family in which members can come online just to chat and hang out with their new friends. Divisions such as Shadow (Scouting, base prepping, harassment), the Terminators (MAX Division), Crazy Horse (Armor), and the Death Jesters (air) have high demand and commonly are populated with many players as well as our all purpose strike teams. If you are looking for an outfit that can field over a platoon of outfit members (hit 95 during this Saturday's ops and still looking to grow), runs training sessions...
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