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[url=]DVP[/url] is a Vanu Sovereignty outfit on Lithcorp.Wir sind eine Nord-Deutsche Ally aus mehreren Outfits. Nähere Info's über unser TS auf Anfrage. ~~Dithmarscher VANU Packt~~
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[url=]Riders On The Storm[/url] is a Vanu Sovereignty outfit on Genudine.
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[url=]4th Empire[/url] is a New Conglomerate outfit on Jaeger.
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[url=]The Republican Guard[/url] is a Terran Republic outfit on Connery. Recruitment: [url][/url]
73 0 0 0
[url=]Archangels[/url] is a Terran Republic outfit on Waterson.
14 0 0 0
[url=]Total Recoil[/url] is a Terran Republic outfit on Connery. Originally founded in August, 2012 by Changes, Caustic (Retired), and Talron in PlanetSide 2 Beta, Total Recoil Outfit quickly became one of the biggest outfits on the Beta servers. Total Recoil Outfit (tag: TXR) is an outfit based around camaraderie, team work, and fun. They pride themselves in having members and leaders who excel in tactical warfare. Over the years, their members have come to realize that it in order for us to conquer nations we must band together as one force. This is the vision of Total Recoil, for them to form bonds and brothers in arms as you tear the enemy to shreds.
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[url=]Shadow Company[/url] is a New Conglomerate outfit on Miller.
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[url=]42nd Tank Division[/url] is a New Conglomerate outfit on Miller.
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[url=]Parabellum[/url] is a Terran Republic outfit on Ceres.
3 0 0 0
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