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[url=]Trident[/url] is the largest Vanu Sovereignty outfit on Cobalt. We are a casual, play to win outfit that aims to have a fun time through teamwork. Visit our forums at [url=][/url]
134 1 1 0
10:17 AM
[url=]Dropping Purple Smoke[/url] is a Vanu Sovereignty outfit on Connery.
103 0 0 0
[url=]Ghosts of the Revolution[/url] is a Vanu Sovereignty outfit on Mattherson.
93 0 0 0
[url=]Elementary Beginnings[/url] is a Terran Republic outfit on Miller.
85 0 0 0
[url=]The Republican Guard[/url] is a Terran Republic outfit on Connery. Recruitment: [url][/url]
73 0 0 0
[b][center][size=5][color=#dd2423]Welcome to Opposition Be Damned Community![/color][/size][/center][/b] [b] We have a few tools that we mainly use for our litigation and Logistics within the community and ask that you please download and utilize them.[/b] [center][url=]-CLICK- Steam Website -CLICK-[/url] [img][/img] [url=]CLICK HERE TO INSTALL[/url][/center] [color=#ddd123]Please join the "[color=#dd2423][url=]-click- ODAM -click-[/url][/color]" group within steam to recieve community events and also allows you to locate and communicate with other members that have the same interests as you.[/color] [center]& TeamSpeak [IMG][/IMG] [url=]CLICK HERE Teamspeak3...
66 4 4 18
10:12 PM
[url=]VVarMachine[/url] is the highest-ranked large NC outfit on Helios.
63 0 0 0
[url=]Xen of Onslaught[/url] is a Vanu Sovereignty outfit on Waterson.
57 0 0 1
[url=]Total Recoil[/url] is a Terran Republic outfit on Connery. Originally founded in August, 2012 by Changes, Caustic (Retired), and Talron in PlanetSide 2 Beta, Total Recoil Outfit quickly became one of the biggest outfits on the Beta servers. Total Recoil Outfit (tag: TXR) is an outfit based around camaraderie, team work, and fun. They pride themselves in having members and leaders who excel in tactical warfare. Over the years, their members have come to realize that it in order for us to conquer nations we must band together as one force. This is the vision of Total Recoil, for them to form bonds and brothers in arms as you tear the enemy to shreds.
52 0 0 1
Edgegamers is a multi-game community that has over 40+ servers for some of today's most popular PC games including CoD, BF3, ArmA2, Minecraft, CS:S, CS:GO, TF2, DoD:S, WoW, LoL, SC2, and WoT. We expanded our horizons into this title and we would love to get some more players to fill our ranks. We play as the Terran Republic on the Waterson US East Server. If you are interested in our outfit, please contact any [EGO] member in game for an invite. If you cannot find anyone in-game, please do not hesitate to join our Teamspeak server and, to get in touch with someone who can assist you with our Planetside 2 Outfit. [b]In-Game Contacts: [/b]Vertago, CyganyZed, matt98, Dutchoper72, xXMegatr0nXx, Irunas, DarkSerpent [b]Empire: [/b]Terran Republic [b]Server:[/b] US East - Waterson [b]Outfit[/b]: Edgegamers [EGO]
51 0 0 0
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