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[url=]Republic Marines[/url] is a Terran Republic outfit on Waterson. Welcome to the Republic Marines homepage. New recruits, please read the MCOC. ------------------------------------------------------- MARINE CODE OF CONDUCT The code of conduct is based off a three strike system. Getting three strikes will either result in demotion or removal. 1. Profanity is to be kept to a minimum. Letting one slip now and then is ok but continual swearing will result in one strike.
27 13 60 0
01:26 PM
A group for the use of the TRAF Outfit
20 10 10 10
07:57 PM
[b][center][size=5][color=#dd2423]Welcome to Opposition Be Damned Community![/color][/size][/center][/b] [b] We have a few tools that we mainly use for our litigation and Logistics within the community and ask that you please download and utilize them.[/b] [center][url=]-CLICK- Steam Website -CLICK-[/url] [img][/img] [url=]CLICK HERE TO INSTALL[/url][/center] [color=#ddd123]Please join the "[color=#dd2423][url=]-click- ODAM -click-[/url][/color]" group within steam to recieve community events and also allows you to locate and communicate with other members that have the same interests as you.[/color] [center]& TeamSpeak [IMG][/IMG] [url=]CLICK HERE Teamspeak3...
66 4 4 18
10:12 PM
[NRVN] Night Ravens - Emerald A reborn gaming community, the Night Raven PlanetSide 2 outfit is in fact the most social outfit on the Emerald server. We are GAINING 120+ MEMBERS PER WEEK. Using the newest technology, we have found ways to keep our members up to date anytime, anywhere. We have tasked ourselves with making a massive, successful, and social outfit. We want our members to feel like part of a small, entertaining group, but in a bigger community. Our officers are trained not only for intense combat, but also to make squads fun, relatable, and most of all, social. We have ops EVERY DAY at many times. Join today and see why 90% of our members plan to stay for life! Join us today and we promise you will see how we can do it all! Only requirement: Be a (somewhat) active player Our time is now... Here we go!
1 3 3 4
09:59 PM
Vanu outfits Allied together for a common cause of technology and kicking ass, not necessarily in that order of course.
29 3 12 2
10:57 AM
Avengers Age of Adaline Ultron
1 2 2 0
02:20 AM
[url=]Have A Nice Day[/url] is a New Conglomerate outfit on Connery.
1 2 2 0
04:38 PM
[url=]Unnecessary Roughness[/url] is a New Conglomerate outfit on Ceres.
1 2 2 0
02:58 PM
A group for those loyal to the New Conglomerate.
94 2 7 2
05:25 PM
A group for those loyal to the Terran Republic. Loyalty until Death!
78 2 6 0
02:29 AM
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