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[url=]KROA[/url] Close.
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08:38 AM
[url=]Trident[/url] is the largest Vanu Sovereignty outfit on Cobalt. We are a casual, play to win outfit that aims to have a fun time through teamwork. Visit our forums at [url=][/url]
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10:17 AM
[url=]Keepers Of Madness is Matherson MADNESSS![/url]
We make the best Vanu Jelly in all of Auraxium!
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12:46 PM
ARMY FORCE is an outfit in Woodman EU server , it is a free outfit, AndrewTP is the leader of the outfit, he said that everyone can join the outfit if u want, but u must follow these rules:
~talk more in outfit
~be friendly with each other
~invite people to ourfit
~open more outfit squad and platoon
this is the rules u must follow in AMFC, just send a message to AndrewTP or talk to AMFC member in Woodman , they will invite u imediatly, see u in the fight :)
plz visit our website
the another way that u can join AMFC, send a email to AndrewTP
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11:20 PM
[url=]TFPR[/url] is a New Conglomerate outfit on Waterson.
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01:33 PM
[url=]Ghost of Olga[/url] is a New Conglomerate outfit on Mattherson.
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11:22 AM
Apply at
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06:55 AM
[url=]Th3[/url] is a Vanu Sovereignty outfit on Ceres. Website:
-A superstitous group alien worshipping Xeno scientists. They believe the "Elder gods" made path just for them to discover something unspeakable. Something outof our mind. Beyond time itself. We are already beyond immortality. Now we shall take the step to save us from the ignorance that stands before us.
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09:06 AM
We kill as one and we kill everything
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07:36 AM
[url=]Revenge of Fallen Angels[/url] ist ein deutsches PS2 Outfit auf Cobalt. Gegründet am 17.01.2013.
Wir streben stets nach Expansion und rekrutieren gute und kampferprobte Mitstreiter, nehmen aber auch Neulinge auf und unterstützen sie so gut es geht.
TeamSpeak, Ingame Voice sind nicht zwingend erforderlich, erweisen sich jedoch als nützlich.
Bei Interesse MrMiyagi91, skyin7, deighee, Gabbadome oder GudrunGisela per ingame chat anschreiben oder einfach Squads mit dem Outfit-Tag RofA beitreten.
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09:45 PM