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Toxin Raiders is a Vanu Outfit and a division of Toxin Gamers.
10 1 2 0
02:58 PM
The best goddamned Planetside outfit to ever log into the game.
24 1 2 0
06:03 AM
The DragonWolves are recruiting for the Terran Republic in PlanetSide 2! Who are the DragonWolves? The [b]CDL[/b] was formed over ten years ago from a very tight-knit group of gamers. We have always based our Clan on teamwork and a family core-value system. We are all friends! We are honorable; we hold the ethic of honor high, for we feel that through honor and valor, we will always find victory. The [b]CDL[/b] has a very strong infrastructure based on years of experience. But! EVERY CDL member has a voice in where the CDL goes. We don't run this Clan as a dictatorship - we feel the strength of the team is in its members. If one member is down, the team will suffer, so we make every effort to see that the weakest member is made stronger through camaraderie, intense training, and the vital sharing of information. We don't always look for the best in abilities. Above all else we strive to create a team of real friends and family. We play together to have fun and enjoy each...
26 1 2 0
09:23 PM
Gaming group dedicated to having fun playing multi-player games with friends. [url][/url] [fblikebox][/fblikebox]
8 1 2 9
09:27 PM
[url=]Planetary[/url] is a New Conglomerate guerilla-style Miller outfit focusing on roaming defense patrols and covert outpost offensive. Primarily an aerially based outfit, created by Lzarani and Rarhnor, founded on the twosome's impatient guerilla tactics, Planetary focus on flanking, enemy circumvention, and a blitzkrieg bombing runs. Secondary functions are dedicated to immidiate continent-wide outfit support. New recruits are welcome, but will be subjegated to trial period and compliance of hierarchy.
1 1 1 0
09:18 PM
The Main Battalion is a NC outfit on Cobalt or a Cobalt outfit in NC. Most numerous NC outfit on Cobalt. Second most numerous outfit on Cobalt. Most active NC outfit on Cobalt (in numbers). Organised around a platoon, there is no specialization : we participate in most alerts, fighting where our glorious New Conglomerate needs us. The purpose of the Main Battalion isn't to be the elite. Our goal is to help NC players on Cobalt to discover a new gameplay (squads, platoons, alerts, WDS).
24 1 1 0
04:43 AM
[url=]Not Batteries[/url] is a medium sized Vanu Sovereignty outfit on Briggs. Commonly known as [nGAB], We offer a casual relaxed and fun OPEN invitational gaming group. Promoting a zero pressure soft introduction to Infantry combat. With special emphasis on reconnaissance and equipment sabotage methods rather than MLG brute force to achieve our battlefield goals. Created and Guided by experienced former #1 outfit BR100 player, equinub.
3 1 1 1
08:48 AM
[url=]KROA[/url] Close.
1 1 1 0
08:38 AM
[url=]Trident[/url] is the largest Vanu Sovereignty outfit on Cobalt. We are a casual, play to win outfit that aims to have a fun time through teamwork. Visit our forums at [url=][/url]
134 1 1 0
10:17 AM
[url=]Keepers Of Madness is Matherson MADNESSS![/url] We make the best Vanu Jelly in all of Auraxium!
1 1 1 0
12:46 PM
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