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[url=]Dignity Of War[/url] is a Vanu Sovereignty outfit on Miller.
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[b]Chcesz dołączyć do Największego Polskiego Outfitu PL13?[/b]
[img] [/img]
[b]Serwer:[/b] Cobalt
[b]Frakcja:[/b] NC
[b]Czego możesz się po nas spodziewać:[/b]
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Simply, we have a history and a pedigree that comes from being on the battlefield every day since our formation back in November 2012. We don't specialise collectively in any particular aspect of warfare, preferring to let our membership have free choice over where they themselves choose to specialise. The one thing we DO ask is that people are willing to be flexible.
We take points, that's the one thing we DO specialise in. When others are content to sit on a hillside and shell the enemy, WE are the guys flying overhead in a Galaxy on our way to Hotdrop on "A" point. We work along side other TR outfits to get the job done, so don't be surprised if you see our squads attached to a platoon with other outfits in them.
Our objective is victory not personal glory, and we will always strive to work with our friends and comrades in the faction to achieve this.
We have a team of dedicated and experienced Officers and Generals all with YOU in mind. Want to get involved?
Send an...
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[url=]SOCA[/url] is an Australian based Terran Republic outfit on the Briggs server.
Our website address is [url=][/url]
Our Teamspeak address is:
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[url=]NoNonsenseGamers[/url] is a Vanu Sovereignty outfit on Mattherson.
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[url=]A Different Kind[/url] is a New Conglomerate outfit on Helios.
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Quantum Dawn is one of the premier Vanu outfits on the Waterson server that offers casual fun during the week and near MLG competitiveness during our weekend Dawn Ops. My group of dedicated Planetside players can fight with the best of the best while still offer great entertainment full of laughter and merriment. So if your looking for a good balance of recreational and hardcore playing then Quantum Dawn is for you!!!
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[url=]Vanu Revolution[/url] is a Vanu Sovereignty outfit on Emerald.
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[url=]Republic Marines[/url] is a Terran Republic outfit on Waterson.
Welcome to the Republic Marines homepage. New recruits, please read the MCOC.
The code of conduct is based off a three strike system. Getting three strikes will either result in demotion or removal.
1. Profanity is to be kept to a minimum. Letting one slip now and then is ok but continual swearing will result in one strike.
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01:26 PM
[url=]VANUS REVENGE[/url] is a German speaking Vanu Sovereignty outfit on Miller.
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