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[url=]The Devil Dogs[/url] is a Terran Republic outfit on Waterson.
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[url=]Deimos Corp[/url] is a Terran Republic outfit on Miller.
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[VC] [url=]Vanu Corporation[/url] is a Vanu Sovereignty outfit on Miller. Recruitment We continue to recruit players interested in squad based teamplay. We don't require you to play every moment of the game in an outfit squad. We expect you will want to! * Get on teamspeak * Be active in our community/forums
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[url=]Shadow Company[/url] is a New Conglomerate outfit on Miller.
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The DragonWolves are recruiting for the Terran Republic in PlanetSide 2! Who are the DragonWolves? The [b]CDL[/b] was formed over ten years ago from a very tight-knit group of gamers. We have always based our Clan on teamwork and a family core-value system. We are all friends! We are honorable; we hold the ethic of honor high, for we feel that through honor and valor, we will always find victory. The [b]CDL[/b] has a very strong infrastructure based on years of experience. But! EVERY CDL member has a voice in where the CDL goes. We don't run this Clan as a dictatorship - we feel the strength of the team is in its members. If one member is down, the team will suffer, so we make every effort to see that the weakest member is made stronger through camaraderie, intense training, and the vital sharing of information. We don't always look for the best in abilities. Above all else we strive to create a team of real friends and family. We play together to have fun and enjoy each...
26 1 2 0
09:23 PM
[url=]Inglourious Basterds[/url] is a New Conglomerate outfit on Briggs.
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[url=]The Vindicators[/url] is a Vanu Sovereignty outfit on Emerald. The outfit was founded in 2002 in preparation for the first Planetside game. We run operations on Tuesday and Thursday nights, in which we usually field over a platoon of outfit members. On other nights we run public squads that any player can join and run training nights from time to time. We have put together a tactics site that we use to help our members to improve and get all of the information, both basic and detailed, that we think is important to know. You can find the site here: If you are interested in joining put in an application on our forums after registering on our website and then talk to an officer on our TeamSpeak server.
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The Main Battalion is a NC outfit on Cobalt or a Cobalt outfit in NC. Most numerous NC outfit on Cobalt. Second most numerous outfit on Cobalt. Most active NC outfit on Cobalt (in numbers). Organised around a platoon, there is no specialization : we participate in most alerts, fighting where our glorious New Conglomerate needs us. The purpose of the Main Battalion isn't to be the elite. Our goal is to help NC players on Cobalt to discover a new gameplay (squads, platoons, alerts, WDS).
24 1 1 0
04:43 AM
[url=]Test Sovereignty Please Ignore[/url] is the main outfit of the Reddit Community.
24 0 0 0
The best goddamned Planetside outfit to ever log into the game.
24 1 2 0
06:03 AM
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