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Pictures from PSU:MA 2004 held in Orlando Florida.
Media - Mobilization Alpha
Closeup of the new merit.
Triggar displays her new Mobilization Alpha merit while Spork moves down the line to Manitou, Hayoo, and Elana
Sporkfire awards the Mobilization Alpha merit to Marsman
Illustrious company in their natural habitat: Elana, Hayoo, Manitou, Marsman, Triggar
Mobilization Alpha Award Ceremony Attendees line up
The group lines up for some group photos.
Marsman sports his new Ribbon!
Martyr chills along side Sporkfire.
The Mobilization group collects for merits!
the mobilized contingent of the United Vanu Alliance hangs out in barneyland
hamma presides regally over the poop deck
chronosphere tells rahl how to play planetside while starbum makes faces at martyr
flynt gives squeeky some advice on the ladies
hamma & elana at pat obrians
chilling at pat obrians
marsman, jenny, hamma, elana, triggar
universal citywalk
"rahl sprints for the bar"
flynt and triggar
group photo in the elvis room after dinner in hard rock: orlando.

left to right,

back row/standing
elana, jetraiden, glassfox, biodemon, hemiroid, kuraltai, marsman, rek denders, lordofthewaffles.

forward row/standing
mortifer, chronosphere, starbum, drakensoul, squeeky, onemanarmy, flynt, strygun, gohan.exe, electrofreak, infernus, patchy12, mopy, rahl

front row/low
fisa, t-ray, hayoo, martyr, criticalmass, triggar, jennyboo, hamma
rahl (sons of vanu) gets head-hugged by barney
triggar & martyr visit their vanu roots
lunch at finnigans (in the NY area of universal studios)
L to R:
CriticalMass' wife, Fisa, T-ray, Rahl, Starbum, CriticalMass
the poop deck
the poop deck
the bawls banner, infernus, jetraiden, and frigidus in the poop deck
infernus, infernus' dad ("frigidus"), and rahl
Massive melons. (winter melons in the land's hydroponics lab, where our tour boat broke down.
giant ... lemons.
starbum, jetraiden, infernus, elana, and rahl
squeeky, starbum, elana, infernus, and rahl; triggar in foreground.

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