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3D Renders of Post Release Vehicles
Media - Renders
The NC BFR ground variant, the Sentinel.
The NC BFR air variant, the Eagle.
The TR BFR ground variant, the Juggernaut.
The TR BFR air variant, the Invader.
The VS BFR ground variant, the Aphelion.
The VS BFR air variant, the Eclipse.
The TR BFR render from the side
The TR BFR render from behind
Another frontal view of the VS BFR render
The VS BFR render from the side
The VS BFR render from behind
The back of the NC BFR render
The NC BFR render from the side
Another render for the TR BFR, this time from the front
Render for the Terran Republic BattleFrame Robot
Render for the New Conglomerate BattleFrame Robot
Render for the Vanu Sovereignty BattleFrame Robot

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