Media - Gamespot - 02/25/03 - PlanetSide Universe
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Media - Gamespot - 02/25/03
Closeup of a Vanu Soldier, Minimap in the top left.
LiXan (left) looting a corpse.
Closeup View of an ANT (Advanced nanite transport)
Some players staging at an AMS
Some players staging at an AMS
Continent view, with an updated look and NTU levels.
View of what we think is an NTU silo.
Some players staging in a respawn/rebirthing room.
Attempting to use an enemy equipment terminal.
Several players launching an attack. A MAX and an ANT are in view.
Forest Battle.
Preparing to enter a base.
Distant view of a facility, in the front there are some soldiers firing energy weapons.
Preparing to enter battle inside a facility.
Destroyed ANT (Advanced Nanite Transport)
Soldier approacing an AMS (advanced mobile station)

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