Media - 2002 - PlanetSide Universe
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Released by SOE during 2002
Media - 2002
Terran Republic Lightning scales a hillside.
Terran Republic Lightning
Terran Republic Soldier climbs into a Mosquito
Terran Republic Mosquito sets it\'s sights on a Vanguard Tank in front of base.
Terran Republic Soldier firing weapon in the base
Terran Republic Soldier fires his weapon as he climbs stairs in the base.
Terran Republic Soldier stands in front of a Vanguard Tank.
Vanu Harasser heads down the hill torwards a base.
Vanu Harasser heads aways from the base into the field.
Vanu Soldier in Light Armor
Vanu Soldier in Medium Armor
Vanu Soldier in Medium armor stands in the forest with Harasser in background.
Vanu Mosquito arcs over the terrain.
Vanu Mosquito in flight
Vanu Soldier stands in front of Mosquito on the ground.
Vanu Soldier fires weapon
Vanu Soldier fires rocket in the base.
Vanu Soldier fires weapon in front of base generator.
Vanu Soldier stands in front of Vanguard Tank
Vanu Vanguard Tank on hilltop.
Vanu Vanguard Tank surveys the terrain.
New Conglomerate soldier climbs into an Enforcer
Terran Republic Soldier sits behind the wheel
Terrain Republic Soldier firing the mini-chaingun.
New Conglomerate Vanguard tank shows off it\'s massive gun. Warp Gate looms in the background.
Pair of Terrain Republic Soldiers in action. Foregound soldier firing mini-chaingun.

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