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AA MAX Update
Enrico has posted an update regarding the first AA balance pass:

  • We increased the capacity of the Burster ammo box from 50 to 100
  • We increased the velocity of the Burster projectile (There was some talks that the Burster was having difficulty reaching the ceiling or that the projectiles were being forgotten by the client. We verified that this scenario was false and the point of contention was the speed of the projectile. It took quite some time to hit the ceiling in it's current state therefore the speed was increased to compensate for this downfall)
  • We decreased the refire time of the burster while unlocked
  • We increased the initial velocity of the Sparrow projectile
  • We reduced the lifespan of the Sparrow projectile to keep their range the same (because the velocity change increased their range which was not needed as it can already reach the ceiling)

The in game PSA advertisements have also been disabled. For more information check the official forum thread here.

Update: Additional Changes

  • The first time help icon has been replaced to a glowing exclamation point to coincide with the recent art changes.
  • Changed the Switchblade cert prerequisite to ATV
  • Players can create characters from all three empires now (Limits on switching back and forth still exist)
  • /appeal is being changed to pop up an external help browser to get assistance. You can choose to close it before launching the browser or proceed
  • More signs have been added to the sanctuary
  • Training Missions have been further revised
  • Tactical overlay settings are now saved
  • Edited vehicle first use help
  • Made Platoon chat color to a bright orange by default
  • Removed LFS toggle from chat window (Where it is located on the status window makes it obsolete)
  • ...and numerous other tweaks to UI, first time help, navigation and keymappings... Full list will be provided very soon
2006-03-09 02:03 PM
Latest Comments
2006-03-09 02:03 PM
[News] AA MAX Update

2006-03-09 03:39 PM
SC385 why did the sparrow get a buff? its already one of the best since those things will follow you anywhere
2006-03-09 03:44 PM
Hamma No kidding :\

And why didn't the starfire get removed?
2006-03-09 04:04 PM
Nitsch Wow...does this mean we actually have to be careful when flying near TR now?

If they would have given starfire love, people would have screamed bloody murder.... those things are great as is.

I'm not sure sparrow needed love though, they are almost as good as starfire (starfire's edge comes from being able to jump to the highest point).
2006-03-09 06:40 PM
TyPhOOn2k on the planetside forum they whined alot of the sparrow needs a buff... so maybe they did it for them...
2006-03-10 04:00 PM
Ait'al I read they are adding the qaud shot back or something. I think he finally decided to add its old secondary weapons feature.
2006-03-10 08:54 PM
Majik Great...now the starfire is the only max that can't hit shit at ceiling.
2006-03-11 08:42 PM
Originally Posted by Majik
Great...now the starfire is the only max that can't hit shit at ceiling.
Starfire can lock onto things at flight ceiling...
2006-03-12 11:03 AM
Hamma Aye starfire can pretty much lockon to you on another continent.
2006-03-12 04:47 PM
Majik The starfire can maintain a lock barely long enough to fire at things at ceiling. The lock is lost LONG before any of the shots get close enough to hit.
2006-03-12 08:25 PM
Geist Starfire Max still doesn't need any love,it's one of the best because it can jump higher and is really accurate
2006-03-12 08:49 PM
BUGGER Crap i got use to how slow the burster flak flew, now i'm gonna have to experiment again.

Otherwise i'm freakin exited about the Burster, I never really had a problem with it.
2006-03-13 01:53 PM
Zanduar burster speed seems to be the same, perhaps they haven't put in the changes yet on the test server but considering the playtest is on 4 hours...

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