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PlanetSide 2 Coming to Playstation 4

IGN has confirmed that PlanetSide 2 will be coming to the Playstation 4:

When Sony announced that the PlayStation 4 wasn't going to be backwards compatible or allow you to download current PlayStation Network titles, DC Universe Online players freaked out. Had the hours spent creating heroes and villains in the MMO been a waste?

Today, Sony Online Entertainment has an answer: no. DC Universe Online is coming to the PlayStation 4 -- and so is Planetside 2, the first-person shooter MMO currently available for PC. Check Fantastic furniture Catalogue and Freedom furniture Catalogue.

With E3 coming up next week we should see many more details on what to expect! What are your thoughts about the game coming to a console? Hit up the comments thread and post your thoughts! Also on AGN was a great video talking about PlanetSide 2 featuring actual players and Outfits. Check out the video here.

Update: Smed dropped by Twitter to answer some additional questions about optimizations as well as whether or not PC and PS4 players are likely to be on the same server.

For a summary of additional Tweets click here. Also nVidia has rolled out Apex and PhysX developer support for the PlayStation 4.

Also the announcement trailer has been released to YouTube:

2013-06-05 01:24 PM
Source: IGN
Latest Comments
2013-06-06 10:27 AM
Re: I pity the PS4 crowd

Originally Posted by Kerrec View Post
Games and patches HAVE to be certified by both Sony for their Playstation and by Microsoft for their XBox. Based on hearsay from the BF3 community, each patch certification costs around $10K-$40K. With BF3, this was a disaster for the PC playerbase. Patches became infrequent, and BALANCING ISSUES remained in the game until the next patch rolled around months later.

Everyone knows SOE breaks stuff with patch releases, then quick-fixes them in the following days. Now issues like hardware performance may get caught by the Sony certification system, but balancing between vehicles, classes, weapons, bases, maps, etc... will NOT. If something gets balance broken in a patch, it'll probably stay in the game until the next big patch.

I don't really care if Planetside 2 is released on the PS4. I don't think it will cannibalize the PC playerbase all that much. And it is quite likely that the exposure to the console crowd may increase the PC playerbase some. At the very least, it will guarantee a good income for SOE so they can continue to develop the game in the long term.

The only caveat to all this is how patches get managed as the game becomes multi-platform. Learn from DICE's mistakes with BF3. Use the PC platform to test the balancing... IE: keep patching it frequently. Then take that content and push it to console once it's proven. Don't do it all at the same time with promotions for certain platforms. That has already been proven to be an unefficient process.
This is true with the difference being that DICE is part of EA... which is neither part of Sony or Microsoft. BF3 was slowed down by console patching, but that doesn't neccessarily mean that it will be the same for PC and PS4. SOE created Planetside 2. They may not choose to have patches roll out at the same rate for both systems.

Does anyone know how SOE handles DCUO? It's on both computer and PS3. Do they only push patches to both at the same time? What happens if one patch breaks a system more than the other?

Oops. Didn't see the mistake till Chip qouted it.
2013-06-06 10:37 AM
Re: I pity the PS4 crowd

We will just have to wait and see what the PS4 version of PS2 is like. It wouldn't surprise me if they instance out the hex regions for example. No idea but maybe E3 will have more info.
2013-06-06 10:38 AM
Re: I pity the PS4 crowd

Originally Posted by Dragonskin View Post
This is true with the difference being that DICE is part of EA... which is neither part of Sony or Microsoft. BF3 was slowed down by console patching, but that doesn't neccessarily mean that it will be the same for PC and PS4. SOE created Planetside 2. They may not choose to have patches roll out at the same rate for both systems.

Does anyone know how SOE handles DCUO? It's on both console and PS3. Do they only push patches to both at the same time? What happens if one patch breaks a system more than the other?
Aye, I am certainly hoping that we won't be seeing lengthy waiting times for patches to roll out for the PC version.

I would like to know this as well.
2013-06-06 11:14 AM
Re: I pity the PS4 crowd

I am hoping and praying that soe will somehow find a way to make this a cross platformer. In my thinking this is a perfect opportunity to sell ps4 peripherals like mouse, keyboard or maybe even specialised gamepads that take advantages of all of the features of the pc version of planetside.

As far as development goes I think this would simplify things as well. Why split your team in half when you can keep things unified.
2013-06-06 11:44 AM
Re: DCU and PS2 going to PS4

Does anyone know if DCUO updates on ps3 and pc get released at the same time?
2013-06-06 02:14 PM
Re: DCU and PS2 going to PS4

Originally Posted by Hamma View Post
Get your umbrellas mfers because the sky is falling!!
the PC version hasn't gone anywhere and isn't. Get a grip.
That's not my concern, boss. My concern is what happens medium-long term when you have a bifurcate user base and a bifurcate development team. It's good news for the franchise, and for Sony's coffers -- which is the idea, after all; this is a product, not a social service.

My concern is that the mass-console market will have a much larger user base, and be therefore much more profitable (which, again, is fine). They will necessarily claim the lion's share of development time; I've worked in IT support for 16+ years and I know whereof I speak. A good number of PC people will want to transition to the console world so they can share in the massive fights and get that first-rate service. Many won't be able to afford to. And at that point, our community -- a community of FPS fan-geeks that have been carrying the torch since 2003 -- will begin to fragment.

I'd prefer to keep it intact and grow it. I'd prefer to get gobs of newbie reinforcements we can welcome with open arms. Many of them are high-schoolers, but they're fantastically well-trained next to what we were back in the day. I'd like to meet them. I'd like to tell them about old traditions and old battles, and watch as they create new ones. I don't want to languish in a PC-only Planetside 2.0, while the console-only Planetside 2.5 thrives over there where I can't see (or shoot at) it.

I think there's room to hope that PS2 *can* be made cross-platform compatible. I think that's by far the better option for PSU, for Sony, for the development team, for the IP, and for Planetside veterans past and future. And I'd like to see a concerted, polite, persistent push for it.

That's all.
2013-06-06 02:22 PM
Re: DCU and PS2 going to PS4

Originally Posted by Rivenshield View Post
That's not my concern, boss. My concern is what happens medium-long term when you have a bifurcate user base and a bifurcate development team. It's good news for the franchise, and for Sony's coffers -- which is the idea, after all; this is a product, not a social service.

My concern is that the mass-console market will have a much larger user base, and be therefore much more profitable (which, again, is fine). They will necessarily claim the lion's share of development time; I've worked in IT support for 16+ years and I know whereof I speak. A good number of PC people will want to transition to the console world so they can share in the massive fights and get that first-rate service. Many won't be able to afford to. And at that point, our community -- a community of FPS fan-geeks that have been carrying the torch since 2003 -- will begin to fragment.

I'd prefer to keep it intact and grow it. I'd prefer to get gobs of newbie reinforcements we can welcome with open arms. Many of them are high-schoolers, but they're fantastically well-trained next to what we were back in the day. I'd like to meet them. I'd like to tell them about old traditions and old battles, and watch as they create new ones. I don't want to languish in a PC-only Planetside 2.0, while the console-only Planetside 2.5 thrives over there where I can't see (or shoot at) it.

I think there's room to hope that PS2 *can* be made cross-platform compatible. I think that's by far the better option for PSU, for Sony, for the development team, for the IP, and for Planetside veterans past and future. And I'd like to see a concerted, polite, persistent push for it.

That's all.
My hope, that development is not split but works in conjunction for both platforms. That they built the game engine to allow such a thing. I don't know if that is the case however. I also hope that they would do a cross-platform thing but Smed tweeted already that it most likely won't so there's that, which is discouraging.
2013-06-06 02:35 PM
Re: I pity the PS4 crowd

Originally Posted by Kerrec View Post
Games and patches HAVE to be certified by both Sony for their Playstation and by Microsoft for their XBox. Based on hearsay from the BF3 community, each patch certification costs around $10K-$40K. With BF3, this was a disaster for the PC playerbase. Patches became infrequent, and BALANCING ISSUES remained in the game until the next patch rolled around months later.

Everyone knows SOE breaks stuff with patch releases, then quick-fixes them in the following days. Now issues like hardware performance may get caught by the Sony certification system, but balancing between vehicles, classes, weapons, bases, maps, etc... will NOT. If something gets balance broken in a patch, it'll probably stay in the game until the next big patch.

I don't really care if Planetside 2 is released on the PS4. I don't think it will cannibalize the PC playerbase all that much. And it is quite likely that the exposure to the console crowd may increase the PC playerbase some. At the very least, it will guarantee a good income for SOE so they can continue to develop the game in the long term.

The only caveat to all this is how patches get managed as the game becomes multi-platform. Learn from DICE's mistakes with BF3. Use the PC platform to test the balancing... IE: keep patching it frequently. Then take that content and push it to console once it's proven. Don't do it all at the same time with promotions for certain platforms. That has already been proven to be an unefficient process.
Both Microsoft and Sony said they were going to streamline this process quite a bit so it wouldn't cost so much money and developers would be able to get their patches out fast and as frequent as needed.
2013-06-06 03:30 PM
Re: DCU and PS2 going to PS4

I wonder why better Multicore Support wasn´t there from the beginning.
2013-06-06 04:04 PM
Re: DCU and PS2 going to PS4

Good luck guys. See you in November when PS2 actually matters to SONY not just SOE.
2013-06-07 10:01 AM
Re: DCU and PS2 going to PS4

This is pretty awesome news never though it come to ps4, this makes my decision harder whether to get a ps4 or xbox one.
2013-06-07 11:23 AM
Re: DCU and PS2 going to PS4

Originally Posted by Magpie View Post
This is pretty awesome news never though it come to ps4, this makes my decision harder whether to get a ps4 or xbox one.
Next week is E3 so Sony has the potential to steal the console war from Microsoft. Microsoft has already released a lot of information that is anti-consumer friendly. If Sony releases information that is more consumer friendly and has quality triple A titles with strong indie dev games then I think Sony will be the clear winner this time around. I've already decided that the Xbox One is not for me. Now I just want to know if I should bother with the PS4. So far all the signs point to yes, but that can change quickly next week.
2013-06-07 02:04 PM
Re: DCU and PS2 going to PS4

Originally Posted by Chefkoch View Post
I wonder why better Multicore Support wasn´t there from the beginning.

Same reason we didn't get a 64 bit client I guess. Guess were not worth it unless they can reuse this stuff on console.
2013-06-07 02:54 PM
Re: DCU and PS2 going to PS4

So my 8 Gb of ram isn't helping PS2... good to know I guess.
2013-06-08 12:47 AM
Re: DCU and PS2 going to PS4

They can say all the right things, and we can try to rationalize why this will be best for the game, but the reality is that most franchises (most notably Battlefield) turn into garbage when they're brought to consoles. I'll reserve judgement until I see the franchise a year after it's out on PS4, and we probably won't see the full effect until Planetside 3.

Despite what they've been claiming, I really don't see how they were turning a profit with Planetside 2 being a PC exclusive, thus I view this as a necessary evil to keep the franchise alive and "healthy".....though I wouldn't call Battlefield healthy from any standpoint other than investors' pocketbooks.

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