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World Domination Preseason 2

Today marks the beginning of the second World Domination Series. There have been a ton of changes due to player feedback since the first Season which you can see here.

After the first World Domination Preseason, we took all of your feedback and made some major changes to the rules, scoring and rewards. Today, we're happy to announce the start of PlanetSide 2 World Domination Preseason 2 on Friday, February 7th, 2014 at 12:00 AM PT!! Check out the changes below and prepare for war, Auraxians!

You can also view the current statistics on the preason as well as a countdown till it's over on the official website.

2014-02-07 05:43 PM
Latest Comments
2014-02-07 06:55 PM
Re: World Domination Preseason 2

2014-02-07 07:30 PM
Re: World Domination Preseason 2

Three factions avoiding every single form of confrontation to score easy points. If it continues like this it might become the great depression of Planetside 2.
2014-02-07 08:38 PM
Re: World Domination Preseason 2

So we had a Pre-Season for a Pre-Season? Who the frak comes up with this BS?! This is just dumb now, I don't want it, take it back! Waiter, There's a fly in my soup!

This isn't some fun competition between the 3 factions anymore. All the WDS is now is a publicity stunt for attention and a way to force players into X situation so they can get some testing done because the PTS isn't yielding sufficient data for whatever it is there trying to do!

2014-02-07 11:13 PM
Re: World Domination Preseason 2

Originally Posted by JohnnyRicardo View Post
Three factions avoiding every single form of confrontation to score easy points. If it continues like this it might become the great depression of Planetside 2.
WDS is terrible.

Everyone likes free loot - just give us the stuff and save us the pain of this nonsense.
2014-02-08 12:09 AM
Re: World Domination Preseason 2

This is what the WDS does to players.
2014-02-08 01:58 AM
Re: World Domination Preseason 2

I started playing late tonight around 10:00pm but it didn't take long for me to see that pattern. The Tr had all of north Indar and were pushing in deep into NC and VS territory. But I quickly noticed that the VS were not defending their territory but pushing against the NC and TR.
The Tr were practically at the VS warpgate but the VS ignored them going around just to captured weakly defended NC bases.
Afterwards the NC pop rose at Indar and the TR were just worried about taking VS bases. So the NC took all light defended Tr bases.
In short, absolutely none of the empires were worried about defending. It was all about taking as many bases as possible as easy as possible. Bases where turning over at about 50 per hour. GAMEPLAY REALLY SUCKED!!!!!
2014-02-08 02:00 AM
Re: World Domination Preseason 2

Originally Posted by Chewy View Post

This is what the WDS does to players.
That's what the map looks like during half the alerts anyway. I'm not the biggest fan of WDS but I'm sure there's at least SOME people out there who get a kick outta it. Think of it as a new kind of Rabbit event. Sure you probably didn't like them but some people did. I say let them have their fun.

There's still plenty of fighting to go around, and you already know where the enemy is at because they glow like crazy in the hex pop. The enemy zerg is great for target practice; like ducks in a carnival shooting gallery.
2014-02-08 07:14 AM
Emperor Newt
Re: World Domination Preseason 2

It's even worse for people like me with shitty PCs. Usually I can find some decent mid to larger size fights where my FPS don't take a major dump. But now with all the zerging going on pretty all I can do is either sit in a tank and hope to get some kills from far away or just sit there in a suni/gal during attack or as defender with a deployed ammo kit. Actually participating in those huge zergs is a no-go due to performance. It's not like this would change anything anyway. Or I could just participate in the ghostcapping of Amerish or Esamir. But that's not fun either.

And yes, I know that this is "my problem" but usually it's possible to find some decent fights where I can actually do something. Now the zerging seems to be on a whole new level. It's either zerg or ghostcap. There doesn't seem to be much middle-ground left all out of the sudden.
2014-02-08 09:49 AM
Re: World Domination Preseason 2

Originally Posted by JohnnyRicardo View Post
Three factions avoiding every single form of confrontation to score easy points. If it continues like this it might become the great depression of Planetside 2.
The incentive to defend isn't great enough. Why defend a location that gives less points then attacking another?
2014-02-08 10:21 AM
Emperor Newt
Re: World Domination Preseason 2

Originally Posted by Crator View Post
The incentive to defend isn't great enough. Why defend a location that gives less points then attacking another?
Which is PS2 in a nutshell.
2014-02-08 10:47 AM
Re: World Domination Preseason 2

Perhaps I didn't fully understand the points system when I made my previous comment. I studied it a bit more and it does make sense. Defending does give WDS personal points too.

It seems most are chasing the carrot for the large capture points and ignoring the points they could get for defense. Easy, and faster, pickings because ghost captures are allowed to get the points. The other empire could get to the region to defend but why if there's another region they can attack that isn't being defended?
2014-02-08 01:10 PM
Re: World Domination Preseason 2

I logged out in disgust yesterday.

The combination of WDS leading to a situation where NOONE wants to be in a losing fight, and goes for the easyest defense/cap possible, and the Galaxy changes that mean that fights are all about who can spam the biggest air fleet and/or create the strongest AA placement in a give area combined... make for no fun at all.

Under popped factions on a continent can not do anything anymore, and are likely to have a massive doomfleet of hostile ESF, Libs and Gals circling around their warpgate, jumping on every outpost the underpop faction might try to get to.

Currently, the only way to deny such an air ball the free cap/defense points is to NOT flip a control point, so there can be no "defense" scoring. ( Or to bring the bigger air zerg, but that wont happen, because your faction is doing the same on a different continent. )

You win by NOT playing the game. You win by avoiding fighting. Win is defined by getting free personal unlocks. Noone gives a shit for empire score.

I am amazed by SOE`s ability to break the game on every level possible, be it client stability, server stability, general bugs, weapon ballance, battle flow, incentives and rewards for certain behaviours and the overall dynamics resulting from all of this.

Did they seriously not see players going after the easyest way to farm rewards? When for more than one year, players have been going for the easyest way to farm Certs, because certs are what gets you stuff? And now there is a way to get stuff that you can not get from certs?

I really hope we will not have to go through this for several weeks.
2014-02-08 01:40 PM
Re: World Domination Preseason 2

Played a bit last night. Had a hard time finding a fight. Not the most fun I've had in PS2.
2014-02-09 07:11 AM
Bobby Shaftoe
Re: World Domination Preseason 2

Originally Posted by bpostal View Post
Think of it as a new kind of Rabbit event.
Except everyone has their own rabbit and there is no incentive to contest the enemy's rabbit.
2014-02-09 11:28 AM
Re: World Domination Preseason 2

Originally Posted by Bobby Shaftoe View Post
Except everyone has their own rabbit and there is no incentive to contest the enemy's rabbit.

SOE providing achievements/goodies for no actual contribution...


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