Total Chars | XP | Kills | Deaths | Time Played |
54 | 12242176 | 17739 | 28128 | 59d 18h 48m |
Average BR | Average XP | Average Kills | Average Deaths | Average Time Played |
15 | 226707 | 329 | 521 | 1d 2h 34m |
Online | Online Last 30 Days | Online Last 7 Days | Leaderboard Rank | Download |
0 (0%) | 0 (0%) | 0 (0%) | #9645 | Export Roster |
108th Assault Regiment is a Terran Republic outfit on Briggs.
The 108th Assault Regiment is a multi-gaming, multi-platform gaming clan for PC, XB1 and PS4. First founded in late 2015 by founders Nano & Sniprohunter to create a casual/competitive gaming community for a large range of games. Including PlanetSide 2.
The 108th Assault Regiment, are currently looking for a division commander to command the Planetside 2 Division for the 108th.
The 108th Assault Regiment is a multi-gaming, multi-platform gaming clan for PC, XB1 and PS4. First founded in late 2015 by founders Nano & Sniprohunter to create a casual/competitive gaming community for a large range of games. Including PlanetSide 2.
The 108th Assault Regiment, are currently looking for a division commander to command the Planetside 2 Division for the 108th.