PlanetSide Universe - View Single Post - "A Striker rocket is stronger than a Decimator rocket."
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Old 2003-08-04, 11:00 AM   [Ignore Me] #11

You sure do assume a lot Nixon. I noticed you want to Focus only on my Vanu character and ignor my TR character. I cant fit all my characters into my Sig but I have 5 characters over BR10, one in each empire. 2 TR, 2 NC, and 1 VS. I have played extensivly with every cert that you can have in planetside and my ruling on the Striker is that it is bullshit. I am sorry if that bothers you, and certainly a nerf will indirectly cause my TR character some blight as there could be low populations....etc, but weapons like this need to be properly balanced. Would it make you feel better for me to admit that Yes, the lasher is a bit too beefy at the moment? Yep it sure is and I have sent my feedback. I dont particularly like the proposed changes as I feel the main problem with the Lasher is the ammout of damage it does to MAXs and armored targets without the hassle of AP ammo.

The Devs have made the statement that AV weapons will be pointed back to the ground where they should be, and the proper AA will be buffed accordingly. We know the Skyguard will get double the range, so I suggest starting there, or perhaps try a Burster. An anchored Burster takes out reavers and skeets in seconds and while they cant hit a Lib at 400m, everyone is having that issue at the moment. No one uses a Burster and you hardly ever see them on the battlefield. The reason is obvious and that is because the TR have thier cake and can eat it too. Why have the limitations of a vehicle of MAX suit when you can do AA as a grunt?

I am just calling a ***** a *****. Sometimes you realize that you have to give something up, even if it is your OWN empire, so that the game doesnt suffer as a whole.

Last edited by Queensidecastle; 2003-08-04 at 11:05 AM.
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