PlanetSide Universe - View Single Post - Stolen Kills/Xp?
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Old 2003-08-31, 03:09 PM   [Ignore Me] #11
First Lieutenant
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You want a fight?

THis game is a First Person ROLE PLAYER GAME. The game is based around gaining experience to acquire more stuff, hence, have your character evolve. its a RPG. ROLE PLAYER GAME.
Taken from the official Planetside website:
PlanetSide is a MMOFPS (Massively Multiplayer Online First-Person Shooter) which means there are not thousands of public servers each allowing only 20 people to join, instead there are just a handful of servers each allowing thousands of players to play at one time.

ABout the Squad making more XP. DO the maths, You'll find that you make almost 20% less XP by being in a squad then by yourself.
From my experience you probably make at least 50% more kills as well.

Healing. Its not the 'Action' of healing, but the intention - especially in battle - that counts. A player who takes all his fighting time to heal and revive players during an -hour long- firefight is not rewarded by xp, and so cannot evolve like the ones he's reviving, who are all killing.
#1 if you were in a squad, you would be getting XP.
#2 In my opinion, a player who takes all his time in an hour long firefight to heal and revive players and ISN'T in a squad should be looking for a less social game.

Have you not noticed that while all the players rush to the next base to conquer, suddenly, the bases you previously conquered are being hacked again? Ah yes!.. thats because no one dares to stay back and 'DEFEND' the base of futur incoming attacks. THAT'S defend. And you don't get shit for spending time (Monthly money) for doing so. So no one does it
The rush to the next base to conquer is because thats where the fighting is. In how many other shooters do you sit on your ass in a place you just defeated waiting for enemies to come to you? If the continents had unlimited population you'd probably see defenders at the bases. In this case you just move forward because thats where the action is.

AS for the no rewards for conquering the whole planet... this part is really funny. The Goal of the game is to one day, see one of the 3 sides possess the entire planet. Of course that cannot happen because not everyone is there all the time, and islands are always turning around, owned by a different side... over and over and over and ... Now you are saying that you'd rather capture a base, then pull out and wait around it for the enemy to recapture it and then go back in? I am correct in that assumption? In that case, you SEEM like the kind of player who camps the Respawn tubes without capturing the base, just to get free XP. I'm not saying you are, but your quotation sure sounds that way.
The goal of the game is NOT to have one side rule all. Thats exactly what the game is designed to avoid! If one side wins, the game ends. This is supposed to be an endless FPS. You CAN'T win. I'm not saying you should take a base and withdraw so you can wait for them to take it back. The usual plan is to try and push your opponants completely out, then move to a new continent and leave that one to the buzzards.
No, I'm not a respawn tube camper. I'm generally flying a reaver or gunning in a vehicle. I don't give a crap about XP because I've already realized that this is an FPS and the damn XP isn't important. You kill, you get XP case closed.

AS for the choice of chosing one of each category of things (Certs) and go fight, you didn't get the whole idea. You can change those settings like you change CErts. Every 24hrs. But instead of gaining XP, you just are a specialised character, in some thing. That way, everyone depends on everyone else. But then again, thats against the MMO policy because players need some sort of rewards to keep on playing after months and months.
I've got no beef with you here. I was just trying to suggest an alternative viewpoint. Discussions are no fun if they are one-sided.

Which brings me to the money side, which you didn't understand either. I'm not talking about money in the game. I'm talking about your account. The money you give to SOE to play this game. You pay SOE to play a bigger version of Battlefield:1942, which only ends when you deside you had enought for one day and logoff. You never conquer to opposition like in BF, playing a campain. you rather win or lose a base -give or take an island- and then, when you logon again the next day, its all changed because no one stayed there to defend it, because no one gets XP in defending and its boring to defend, as it is to heal people because it doesn't really change anything since you can revive/respawn at a AMS just around the corner or at the adjacent tower, where there will be more killing and a cap at the end, to which continuity, you will move to the next base and start all over, until you logoff with a smile thinking you got a new Cr Level.
Yep, this is what the game is. No, you don't have to pay a fee for Battlefield 1942. But with Battlefield 1942 you don't get to play with and against hundreds of other people at a time and you don't get a constant supply of new and updated content. Comparing at MMO to the one player version of a similar game makes no sense.

Now i understand my opinions on the subject are - subjective- hence the opinions. But i believe most of those observations are very Objective, since i sincerely believe they are flaws within the game. Big ones.
There is a reason these "flaws" are so big. You're expecting the game to be something it's not. This isn't the 1 player campaign of a FPS and it's not an MMORPG. There are no quests. There are no uber weapons. There are no npcs, no sidegoals no 1 player versions and there most likely never will be ANY of these things. You're not even the good guy! In Planetside you are NOT a hero. EVERYBODY in planetside is essiantially the NPC badguy. YOU are the grunt from Halo, the Nazi from Wolfenstein and the pig cop from Duke Nukem.

If you are looking for a 1 player game you can win, go play FFX or 1942. If you are looking for a non-stop frag fest with 100+ fighters, by all means stay.

You're choices are
1. Accept this and have fun.
2. Accept this and quit.
3. Continue bitching about how bad the game is, predict it's eventual downfall and hop to the next MMO when it comes along.
*signature eaten by feral snails*
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