PlanetSide Universe - View Single Post - El Jacko Hammero
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Old 2004-02-07, 11:37 PM   [Ignore Me] #38

Originally Posted by Rempel
OMG, you people! i can't belive your still arguing about how powerfull the jack hammer is.
I would not call this an arguement. I would call it a discussion, and civil discussion about the Jackhammer is difficult to come by. This thread is a refereshing change, actually.

Originally Posted by Rempel
start up a new charecter, use the JH. IT'S NOT THAT GOOD!
I did, and it is. Personally, I am outright lousy with HA type weapons. In fact I spend most of my time in support roles due to my poor connection where I live. (Not something I can easily get around) However, even I can do a decent amount of damage using a Jackhammer. I take that as my personal subjective evidence of it's superiority. What do I consider decent? A solid 3-4 man kill run onto a tower or in a hallway is decent by my definition. Someone with skill is much more horrendous to deal with.

Not to mention the Jackhammer frustrates the tar out of me. I have just logged off the game in disgust countless times rather than get trippled shoted for the umpteenth time in an evening's play. Yes, I'm aware there are some counters to HA weapons, but none are nearly as effective against the Jackhammer as the other two weapons. The Jackhammer has an implant (surge) that mitigates it's primary weakness (lack of range) with brutal efficeincy. Are there other emprie HA 'Surgiles'? Of course, but it is not as a beautiful a marriage as the Jackhammer.

I personally think the Jackhammer enjoys it's popularity and usefulness due to ease of use and ease of adaptablity of playstyle. Alot of the dedicated FPS crowd is used to bunny hop and shoot style gaming. The Jackhammer allows for this style of play. The style that alot of the hardcore FPS folks enjoy and are quite proficient with.

Personally, I got into Planetside for the scale of large tactical battles and not fragfest jump-a-bout types of play. I know alot of folks like that, and that's cool, but it's not for me. Planetside for me is about the scale and taking of territory for the Soverignty or the Republic (Depending on the night )
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