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Old 2004-03-15, 01:36 PM   [Ignore Me] #158
Sergeant Major

Originally Posted by Madcow
Again, this coming from somebody who obviously has never actually done spawn room boomer runs in an infiltrator suit. Shocking.
I do have an infiltrator character, thank you very much. Please consider that you are not the end all font of knowledge before posting.

Originally Posted by Madcow
The likelihood of being hurt almost doesn't exist. There is absolutely no point in the game where this is true for an infiltrator. We have no armor. We are killed by friendly fire as often as the enemy. Stray shots not aimed at us kill us all the time. I have been boomered in the spawn room, and I have more often than not killed the person who did it my very next spawn with nothing more than my supressor.
It's remarkable how hard it is to inflict damage on something that is 1) Invisible and 2) warping, especially with Client-Side hit detection when there is no feedback on hits for cloakers.

Originally Posted by Madcow
The main issue are the idiots you are spawning with. I will always give the VWC as soon as I see the boomer run starting, but rarely will anybody stop long enough to assist with hunting the cloaker down. Most people are too busy getting their gear and running for the zerg to stop and down the invisible guy who is most likely on death's door anyway if he made it that far into the base.
Wow, you must be a REALLY bad infiltrator if you can't get close to the spawn room without being hurt. I'm usually at a door lock before someone even suspects I'm there and I've actually watched non-DL equipped soldiers stand right next to me by a generator and not taken damage on the entire way in. Of course, I don't go using surge near the enemy which lights you up like a Roman Candle to any sniper on the walls. Pity the sniper rifle is useless unless you're at point-blank in CQB.

Originally Posted by Madcow
Let me give you a few hints, since this scenario seems so troubling for you. If you get boomered once, at next spawn stay in the tube. Nobody does boomer runs at the tubes, it's suicidal. It's easy to track the path of the cloaker as he drops his next boomer, and fire your supressor at him the whole way. You'll hit him a few times, possibly kill him even if he has surge on. Now, were you paying attention to where he came from? Good, because on his next boomer run that's where he's going. 99% of infiltrators will run from one location to another and then back again. It's an easy pattern. Now you run to that location and wait for him to come surging towards you, while you mow him down. Wasn't that fun?
Now I'll give you even more hints. Even with surge on, the infiltrator is either surging into a corner of the spawn room or just outside one of the 3 doors (assuming it's a base spawn room we're talking about). They don't keep going, if you keep going you attract attention and somebody with DL is going to wipe you out.
The above statements indicate that you have no idea about the tactic which people are complaining about. If an infiltrator sneaks into the spawn room, waits for an opportune moment and then plants a boomer and runs off, more power to him. The complaint is about the surgers who come screaming in off the stairways outside, plant a boomer and run out the other end and down another incline setting off the boomer. The only base where that isn't a viable tactic is the Bio Lab as the 2 approaches to the spawn room are flat. All the other base layouts have inclines directly adjacent to the spawn room, allowing easy warp entrance and exit. THAT is the tactic being complained about.

Originally Posted by Madcow
Again, I'd ask that people who haven't actually played the infiltrator stop talking about the problems that infiltrators cause them. The fact that people see the infiltrator role a particular way does not mean that's how all infiltrators should play it. The fact that I can successfully use the suit in order to position myself properly for some good killing runs (and at least half of my kills are with the knife), and the fact that I can normally rack up more kills than I can as a standard grunt tells me all I need to know. It's all about finding a way to play which suits your own playstyle. My friend and I go out together as infiltrators and constantly get tells from enemies either complimenting us or telling us how much we piss them off. Either tell is gratefully accepted.
The infiltrator role is not a combat role, hence the term "Infiltrator". It is probably the most specialized support class there is. It's far from a useless playstyle, and I have great fun sneaking up on snipers and other people who aren't paying attention and knifing/boomering them to bits. I also get just as frustrated when my own teammates shoot me/run me over/fire blast weapons at the guy I'm next to. That's SOE's fault for not making friendly names show up faster than enemy names. I rack up more kills as a sniper, but that's because it fits my general playstyle. I can still rack up 80 kills a night as an infiltrator, but I do it by just that, infiltrating...not by abusing a flaw in the netcode to the fullest possible advantage.

Arguments that you make by forming incorrect assumptions about other players in turn reflect poorly on any information you present, even if it is accurate. Please limit your commentary to facts that you know rather than facts you think you know.
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