PlanetSide Universe - View Single Post - Dopplers Air Hate thread
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Old 2004-04-07, 10:47 AM   [Ignore Me] #42
First Lieutenant

My point is that things like that shouldn't be hard, they should be fucking impossible.
Actually, it is impossible for most pilots.

Here's an idea, rush into a heavily mined, 'nix infested base with a Lightning and see how long you live, or go pick a fight with a Vanguard.
For one, you should deserve to die for rushing into a minefield with AV all around. As for picking a fight with a vanguard or any tank, you should lose in a lightning. Sure, you both spent 3 points, but the other guy looked for a gunner and is dependant on someone else in a team effort to make your demise. In a lightning you give up the burden of being coordinated with another player to be successful, but you also give up a lot of firepower and armor.

The best counter to Air Cavalry is and will always be Air Cavalry. If you think a pilot's life is so easy, then join us and shoot us down if you can.
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