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Old 2004-05-06, 02:45 PM   [Ignore Me] #5
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Originally Posted by Electrofreak
Actually, I've read several reviews comparing these cards. The 6800 Ultra typically outperforms the X800 at lower resolutions and without AA, but the X800 usually wins at higher resolutions with AA enabled.

So, I wouldn't say that the X800 hands the 6800 Ultra its ass on a plate, or vice versa. At this point they are pretty even, and you should pick one or the other depending on the graphic settings with which you normally play games. If you want the most FPS possible, run a game at 1024x768 with no AA on the 6800 Ultra. If you want the most FPS with high detai settings, crank the resolution as far up as your monitor can handle, turn on the AA, AF and all the graphical enhancments you can, with an X800.

It all depends on personal preferance.

edit- I would personally wait for the R423 card to come out, with PCI-Express. Both of these cards are great, but still only AGP 8x cards. The PCI-X versions will allow the cards to function at their maximum without being limited by the bandwidth of the AGP interface. ATI says that their cards will have a "true" PCI-X interface on their cards, as opposed to nVidia, who will be using AGP-style cards with a PCI-X "bridge" chip. It should be interesting to see how the PCI-X cards from each company stack up against one another.
Indeed, I agree with pretty much everything except for the PCI Express cards. X800 just obliterates everything at extreme resolutions with all the extra "quirks". On the other hand, at standard resolutions the 6800 seems to beat it. I myself plan on waiting for a while to buy a new video card. It's never usually good to be the guinea pigs with graphics cards. It's best to just wait for the second version which is usually a bit more fine tuned.

As for the PCI-Express, I personally don't plan on buying one for a while, until the major card companies learn what they are doing. As I said before, it's usually best to wait a little after a certain kind of card comes out before you jump on it. I don't feel like changing my whole system around before everything is fine tuned. That is just my opinion though.
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