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Old 2003-02-09, 11:43 PM   [Ignore Me] #1
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Planetside another Earth and Beyond?

I bring this up for discussion reasons only. If you HAVE not played Eand B.. go play it. Beautiful game. Stunningly so in ways. Easy leveling, combat looked neat.. wow.. a whole galazy to explore.

But sadly, after les sthen 2 weeks.. I realized the obvious. It lacked that special something ot keep one playing. The FUN factor. It just got BORING REALLY REALLY REALLY FAST.

I had a Terran Tradesman. And while that was cool cause I didn't have hours on end to play, it was also dull doing runs over nad over for cash and exp.

Combat was... pretty, but very empty. You either Powned the bad guys, or they owned you. There were no give and take, on the edge fights... And the loot system was lame too.

Now that I have explained a few things, how in the heck does it relate to PS? Well, there been a few comments over on the PS Official forums ot this effect, so I thought I would come here and expound upon them for our reading pleasue.

PS LOOKS great, SOUNDS like a great Idea. Both of which E&B did as well. Course, we haven't played PS so this is all hypothetical bs at this moment... But... Where could PS go wrong?

1. CEP The system to me, if it has a flaw, it sthe uberguild mentality. I really don't think small units are gonna get very far. Only the 1337 players in the UBER outfits are gonna get to play Commander before long. This is something have seen far too many times in AO, EQ, DAOC and other games. Also, look at CS or DoD and the CAL-i and other leagues.. you have to belong to a 1337 krew to get the nod... That bothers me.

2. The game is too easy... What I mean is, in 2 months.. many people are gonna be BR20.. and then what? I STILL Play CS after 3 years, and to behonest.. its stale. I play out of habit really... but part of that is its FREE. I drink of the PS koolaide.. but will that sustain me after taking the same base for the umptteenth time?

3. People. This is the biggest problem facing PS. While the Dev team has done what it can.. People still suck. I played BF1942 for about 2 months, and that game is fun.. but peopole ruined it. I hate playing the game because of the stupid people that get childish amusement in ruining othersgames. I know all the arguements as to why this should not occur.. but trust me.. it will..

4. The mentality of the FPS player. We do NOT like waiting between death and getting back intot he action. But if it is too fast.. it gets old too.. DoD and CS playstyles are PERFECT examples. Waiting on two campers ot finish a map on CS is lame, but so is respawning 50 times in DoD.... Will the PS system meet the fineline.. or will it drive us nutz... Whichleads to...

5. Travel Times. The PS team is doing a hell'va job of lowering this, but it still there. Nothin would irk me more then to take more then 2 min to get back to a battle, only to die and do it again. The getting there better be fun too...

Now, mind you, these are al concerns either I have, or I have seen as trends, and I am bringing them in the worst manner to provoke thoughtful discussion. I hope it makes sense...
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