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Old 2009-12-24, 09:22 AM   [Ignore Me] #2
First Sergeant
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Re: Command Overhaul

Tons of great ideas, and I think the concept of PlanetSide that needs to be perfected most in PS2 will be the command system.

When you wrote that, you based the whole system off CR0-CR5.

((((perhaps CR should be a ratio between all of the other players?
Not sure if it'd be a good idea, but instead of having a ton of people at CR 5, maybe have the top 1 at CR 10, the next 4 (#2-5) at CR 9, next 14 (6-20) at CR 8, 21-50 at CR 7, 51-100 CR 6, and then you rank up to CR5 by yourself.
So really, there's only 6 command ranks, but everyone who has attained 'CR 6' is put into a ratio of the top 100 CR ranks in the empire. so if you get CR 6, and are the 34th highest CR rank in the NC, you'd be placed at CR 7. If enough people pass you, you're demoted to CR 6. If you get pushed down to #101, you get CR 5 'honors' or something.
Would be an interesting way to keep people with the best CR on top, and not have 500 CR5's spamming global chat with conflicting ideas.

- Ability to chat empire-wide
- Can give any member of the empire a general command, with a text box for specifics. Also gives green arrow pointing to objective.
- Can set empire-wide waypoints on any continent
- Can draw on minimaps, regular maps, and show up on the ground on all players' screens, seen empire-wide.

- Same as CR10 without drawings on ground/minimaps, text box for specifics, or green arrow.

- Same as CR9 without general commands, only specifics like 'crash this point, hack this CC, defend this point, etc.

- Same as CR8 without empire-wide waypoints, or drawing on regular maps.

- Only empire-wide chat))))

posted that on a different thread, and I think it would be easier to make the minor adjustments to your plan to fit it in with a CR0-CR10 system, depending on which system would be better for the game.

Most of the ideas that didnt coincide with a specific rank would obviously still work, and I definitely agree (though i never thought of it) that there should be certifications required to be able to use your CR.

So then the only question i'm asking here, is which CR system is better for the game?
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