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Old 2010-04-19, 11:34 AM   [Ignore Me] #35
Lieutenant Colonel
DviddLeff's Avatar
Re: An ORIGINAL Planetside 2

Good point about restricting Sergeants to CR5 abilities; no need for them to have command vehicles and OS strikes.

CEP rewards for them I think they can earn however I need to think of some way of making them earn it rather than it just being given it just for filling the role...

You have hit on one thing I really want to do with companies; zerg-herding.

CR5s have always felt that zerg-herding was like pulling teeth; I am seeing squad and platoon missions as being methods of getting the zerg do follow the guidance of ultimately the CR5s. By giving them tasty experience rewards and merits for simply completing missions we should get more people doing so. The zerg is selfish; it has always gone for the biggest fights rather than the tactical choice which usually results in them hitting the closest base until it cracks. By giving them more XP for following orders rather than just butting heads with the enemy you can get them working for the CR5s. Look at support XP; when that was implemented many more players started being a lot more supportive; not necessarily because they wanted to help, but because they wanted the XP.

Are you happy with a single continental/planet commander? Is it just the galaxy commander you disagree with?
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