PlanetSide Universe - View Single Post - Why didnt PS make it big?
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Old 2011-01-28, 01:10 PM   [Ignore Me] #32
Master Sergeant
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Re: Why didnt PS make it big?

One of the arguments that people often give why it didn't become big is that Planetside is too repetitive. Can anyone explain that to me? How is Planetside repetitive? If people say that the only thing you do is capturing a base and that there is no real end to the game as in winning; is there something like that in any shooter?

In other shooters, you play a match, it ends, and then you play the next match. In what way is that not as repetitive or more repetitive as Planetside for those people? Do they really need the game to say "YOU WIN" or "YOU LOSE" for it to have an 'end'? Can't they see that managing to take over a well defended base or keeping enemies from taking over your base is also a win or lose situation. The only thing that is different is that instead of going to the next match, you move to the next area to attack or defend.

Sorry that in the end it was more a rant than an argument... I just cannot stand people talking bad about Planetside
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