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Old 2011-01-29, 09:20 AM   [Ignore Me] #43
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Re: Why didnt PS make it big?

Originally Posted by Traak View Post
As one of the support gods, I can attest to the fact that the boredom-O-meter spins fiercely after hitting infinite with the "blood clot in a door" base zergs we have now.

I was kicked out of one of the many outfits I briefly tried to tolerate for leading our whole empire in a massive, beautiful field battle that covered many hectares years ago. I was a CR3, and was leading the empire through Squad Leader chat.

The problem with the game isn't the mechanics, or Sony, or the buffs and nerfs. It is the idiots playing it.

Most people are selfish, immoral, craven, weak-willed scum who try to lie, cheat, steal, and, if possible, whine and cry to get laws, rules, or whatever else is in the reach of their selfish little claws warped to suit their tainted black-hole-of-selfishness character.

This leads to a game that is supposed to be team-oriented turning into the TV show Survivor, which, as the first season proved, should have been named Best Homosexual Backstabber because that is who won. If someone in your outfit proves you are a moron, you kick him out. If someone disagrees with you, and proves by his actions that his way was better, you kick him out. The outfits are run by such craven buffoons that as usual, the biggest liar and coward will end up leading them.

One of my favorite themes is "You have to be on TS to run with us." Maybe some of us don't like to hear 12 year olds talking about how they are raping their dog or some of the insane drivel that has been barfed over the TS wires. So you discard good players because they don't like to listen to your immature cussing, endless, ENDLESS sex jokes, and general idiocy.

When an outfit comes along that has a firm but relaxed command style, doesn't punish competence by ejecting the person who proves he is right from the outfit, or the more insidious method of seizing on some one small thing that he might have been wrong about in a sea of things he was right about, then PS will be far more tempting to play in an outfit.

Until then, watching homosexual little dictators prance around like Xerxes in the movie 300 demanding everyone bow down to them or they will have a tantrum and kick them out just ruins the outfit experience.

PS: next will blow if it doesn't, by its nature, actively enforce field battles, actively attack cheaters with very lucrative (For Sony) financial penalties, and have outfits that aren't run by preening little madmen whose greatest nightmare is that everyone will notice how incompetent, selfish, and stupid they are.
This rant is just...

I think I can actually feel the hate radiating from my computer monitor.

The first hilariously ironic topic was how you cried on and on about the outfit leaders being idiotic and childish, cussing all the time and being generally crude. Then you go onto call people homosexuals, because it's always good to take the moral high ground by being homophobic clearly.

Second, the last time I went into TS I don't recall being surprised to find it populated by nothing but 12 year olds. In fact I doubt many 12 year olds even played Planetside because it was a game that required a lot of patience and most kids have basically got ADHD when it comes to games. It's the reason consoles average age is significantly lower than PC Gaming average age. That's a bit of a digression though, I know that the most populace gaming age group is 25-34 year old males. From my experience of Werner -TR's empirewide Teamspeak nights that age group was most represented. Or even more funnily OsteKake constantly commanded the empire and all people did was bitch and moan, the Terran Alliance consistantly held good events and mass armor/aircraft armies. We organised among other things one of the biggest mass galaxy drops and one of the biggest HART drops.

The organisation was there, when people decided to try and hold some stupid bio lab in the middle of nowhere while an interlink or tech plant was being attacked elsewhere on the continent the spawns and gen of the biolab would just be destroyed so that the zerg would be redirected. Every once in a while if it was a perfect moment and a friday night, everyones been drinking and will listen and have a laugh then yeah, you might be able to command a battle and get people to do stuff. But beyond a CR5 saying 'go to this continent' getting a zerg to do anything useful apart from migrate between the most killwhorey of battles was like dragging a heroin addict away from his fix.

Thirdly the reason that TeamSpeak is generally a required aspect of the more organised outfits is because you kinda need it to get anything done properly. The ingame VOIP was laggy as hell, useless and had a terrible quality. Text was far too slow to warn anyone of anything in a fast paced interior battle so the only option is to use Ventrilo or TeamSpeak. Take your pick.

And lastly, you are obviously butthurt from being kicked by one guy in one outfit for saying he was wrong/correcting him. Yeah that's not a good way to lead an outfit, but, what is important is how you said he was wrong. If you said it disrepectfully and called him a homosexual moron backstabber or something along those lines then I can see why they will kick you. If you respectfully suggested a better way then yes, it was dumb of him/her to kick you, but still, correct someone respectfully then if they still do it the wrong way the egg is on their face.

But I can safely say from many, many years of Planetside I never saw absolutely terrible outfit leadership or hordes of 12 year olds. There was piss-poor CR5 communication at times, leading to people bickering about primaries or whatever but other than that it seemed fine to me.
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