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Old 2003-02-22, 02:36 PM   [Ignore Me] #37
Lieutenant Colonel
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Originally posted by Confectrix

I have a firewall and it went through no problem. Probably just congestion.

Keep trying.
Oh i do think that a lot of the problems are jsut congestion, but if your security settings are set to mess with cookies, java, scans, etc it blocks a lot of things like this. A firewall isnt the only thing that can mess stuff like that up. (take it from a code monkey)

Originally posted by OmnipotentKiwi
I doubt we will all get in first off.

Secondly, at one point the producers letter said that Open Beta would start March 2nd, however, since then it has been editted out.

It is still possible for them to make it, and don't count them out yet.
yep yep, but remember that 20,000 people will be in the open, that is a very good chance at getting in.

and you are the 2nd person to tell me about the date being the 2nd, I didnt get to see it b4 it was cut out, but if that date is even close, it makes a lot of sense as far as all the other dates.

If it is the 2nd that will be great, as it is only 8 days away!!!!
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Last edited by MrVulcan; 2003-02-22 at 08:07 PM.
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