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Old 2011-04-16, 12:34 AM   [Ignore Me] #4
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Re: A Case for Not Knowing Release Date

Originally Posted by Miir View Post
You know Minecraft is probably the best example to use for how long the gaming community is willing to wait or even pay for a half finished buggy game. It was a stroke of genius for Notch to sell copy's of the alpha for a reduced price to help fund the game and I believe this could be adapted to help developers make better games even with larger companies like SOE.

Minecraft has sold over a million copies now from what I've read. At 20-30 dollars a copy. That's not bad coin for a half finished title. Why aren't more developers doing this?

I don't need a release date (ever) if I can play the game now. I'll even pay full price for it and give you real time feedback on the features you add to help you make a game that won't suck.

Very, very few games would ever attract a following like Minecraft; and they're mostly geeks that don't care about bugs (hell, most people don't even 'play' the actual game) I mean that in the nicest possible way
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