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Old 2011-04-16, 02:22 AM   [Ignore Me] #9
Canaris's Avatar
Re: A Case for Not Knowing Release Date

Look at just what BW are doing with TOR, they still haven't announced a release day yet either and that game has been public knowledge far, far longer.
People will always piss and moan forums wanted what they think is their right, yet it's been proven that all their threats of leaving and bluster is simply hot air.
They'll wait till the game company is ready, as it should be.

More over the Game Company should wait till the GAME is ready, as you can no doubt see by forums that the average gamer is a far more fickle and A.D.D inclined, not willing to stay with a broken game for long than they were a few years ago.

I'm fine not knowing the release date until it's ready to be released.
Honestly I'm just happy knowing that PS-N is a reality

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Last edited by Canaris; 2011-04-16 at 02:23 AM.
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