PlanetSide Universe - View Single Post - Sniper Skill Tree.....Please include Headshots and Prone
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Old 2011-07-10, 03:09 AM   [Ignore Me] #72
Lieutenant Colonel
DviddLeff's Avatar
Re: Sniper Skill Tree.....Please include Headshots and Prone

I want head shots.

Head shots even the playing field, so a guy with even just a pistol can take someone out quickly if they are lucky/skilled enough. Head shots do not have to be one hit kills; they could just be double the damage.

MAX armour would still need a number of shots, even bolt driver shots to the face to take out.

I want prone.

It adds a great deal of tactics to the game. Using the ground itself as cover to make yourself a smaller target as you advance, or hiding behind small pieces of cover. It also allows you to check around corners without exposing too much of yourself, especially useful in urban combat. It also allows snipers to no longer rely on ridge sniping to protect themselves; a tactic rarely used in reality as it outlines the sniper against the sky.
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