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Old 2011-07-10, 10:34 AM   [Ignore Me] #3
First Lieutenant
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Re: Proportionate XP

There's nothing more annoying than having an epic battle with a Vanguard/Magrider/Prowler only to have a mossie fly in when it's on its last millimeter of health and steal the kill.

The only problem is it's probably quite a big server load to keep track of every HP damage and who dealt it. Perhaps there should be a system similar to Bad Company 2 where you get two types of assist, one for doing slight damage (small amount of xp) and one for doing the majority of the damage (nearly all the xp of an actual kill) along with other forms of assists e.g. healing someone and having them go on to kill someone gives you points, giving people health and ammo and repairing tanks gives xp, these are all types of experience I would like to see in Planetside 2
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