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Old 2011-07-10, 07:55 PM   [Ignore Me] #42
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Re: looting "makes it alot more of a balance nightmare"

Originally Posted by CutterJohn View Post
Indeed. And I doubt you will be able to in PS2, allowing them to be strong.

Those 150 grunts also have 150 guns, and 15,000 rounds of ammo, potentially killing 1000 grunts. Outrageous!

Yeah, I get killed by grenades in games where they are instakill. But not even close to 100% of the time they are thrown at me. Stay sharp. Move out of the way. Most don't even get thrown, since you die before a situation one is useful arises.

I concede that they could not be explode on impact if they were that powerful.

For my money, it would be better to have 1 or 2 powerful grenades instead of potentially an entire backpack of duds.
Yeah but that's just a total non-sequitur, play any modern FPS like CoD and witness the grenade abuse that results from people carrying merely one grenade. The indoors of bases are far more cramped and populated than any CoD map, throw grenades into that and imagine the clusterfuck that would result.

But obviously in CoD I can carry 210 rounds of ammunition for my AK which is enough to kill 100 people so HAXXX!!!!!!! NERF!!!!. The idea is that the one grenade can probably give you a kill far more easily than the rifle as you can throw it at the vague area in which the defense are an get a kill. Same with CoD you can blindly chuck 'nades here there and everywhere and get a kill, Planetsides 'nades actually filled their purpose effectively without the cheap instadeath.

The argument that 1-2 superpowerful nades is better than 20 moderately powerful is equivalent to saying that we should have supressors with 1 shot that insta-gibs because it's more efficient. Balance matters too....
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