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Old 2011-07-12, 06:27 PM   [Ignore Me] #32
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Re: "But that wouldnt be Planetside any more..."

Originally Posted by Forsaken One View Post
To say that wouldn't be a legit argument is both foolish and something only a Monkey would think.

an example would be having 2 games. Say S.W.A.T. 4 and Quake 4. Both have COMPLETELY DIFFERENT PLAYSTYLES even through they are both FPS games.

What the Monkeys are trying to do with Planetside 2 is instead of making Planetside 2 they are making battlefield 5 with expanded tech to have more players. (you think battlefield is really mindset on 64? they try to get the most they can get without massive lagfests, battlefield would happily have it 1,000 vs players if it had the tech.)

in a sense they are trying to make S.W.A.T. 5 play like Quake or Quake 5 play like S.W.A.T.

If the monkeys get their way it won't have the planetside "playstyle" anymore. some of the monkeys think "Oh well, it will still have massive battles even if we all fly around like Tribes or bounce around like bunny's in Quake." No... it won't In fact I remember a Tribes server or 2 having at least's 100 player slots.

Planetside is about being lost in the army. feeling like you are part of something bigger. Feeling like you are all one big machine no matter who is next to you.

The Monkeys are adding stuff for "self" which will end up with "inflated ego" and "competitive retardedness" you may have a lot of players shooting guns but you will no longer have the sense of "you are just as important as the next guy and he as you" that Planetside gives.
People like you don't help or contribute at all, you act as though you already know how PS2 will play, is played, and has been played. It wasn't often at all that I actually felt like part of an armed force in Planetside, even in the begining. Just a lot of guys doing their own thing who happen to be fighting near each other, combined arms just happend to be a side effect which sometimes worked as it should.

Egos and self played a huge role in PS1 and you were never as important to the guy next to you when most players thought that shooting at the same enemy he/she was is trying to kill-steal.

Gameplay mechanics needed a fundimental shift from PS1 to PS2 in order to be successfull long term and have the tools in place to really promote teamwork instead of penalizing it.

Games like BF:BC2 are a great place to draw inspiration from, CoD not so much but obviously the PS2 team don't seem to be fans either which gives me great hope.

It's funny that you call the people advocating these changes monkeys yet your the one who is standing against evolution, which is what Planetside needs to do to survive and prosper.
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