PlanetSide Universe - View Single Post - New single person mechs designed from scratch for PS2
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Old 2011-07-22, 11:43 AM   [Ignore Me] #85
First Lieutenant
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Re: New single person mechs designed from scratch for PS2

Firstly trying to back up your point with 'Survival of the Fittest' is bullshit, so we have a forcing mechanism which you are selecting as BFR's and an existing population - the 'minority' of vets (even though pops were at their highest pre-BFR and crashed due to them). So let's analyze this, due to the BFR's populations dropped and directly afterwards the game was effectively dead until they were nerfed. Seeing as the measure of 'success' of a game could be the number of players the change was almost certainly a detrimental one as it alienated the majority of Planetside's playerbase.

However it also presupposes that you should just deal with any change and not prevent or remove said change, so with this logic we should just 'deal with' climate change, mass extinction events, oil spills etc etc. Because clearly these problems shouldn't be addressed or dealt with, we just need to adapt to living with them otherwise you are just a big whining baby right?

I also love your comparison with vehicle AMP shields, a vehicle shield charges at 5 armor per second pre-nerf crouched BFR shield regeneration was closer to 150-200 APS which can nullify the DPS of multiple infantry with ES AV weapons or the DPS of an MBT. Not only that but vehicle shields were only 20% of a vehicles base health and did not come as standard. A BFR shield had the hit points of a tank and then had its underlying armor which was also around that of an MBT with its recharge rate added on.

But the problem with BFR's did not just stop at their stupendous survivability, they also required only one crewman to be as effective as multiple fully manned MBT's which effectively filled the same role, they could be anti-everything with quick-switching between AA, AI and AV giving quick adaptability to any situation. They could kill aircraft more effectively than a Skyguard yet have the survivability of an MBT and the ability to fly up the the highest camping spots. They could kill tanks better than an MBT yet required only one crewman and could repair themselves. They could kill infantry as effectively as any other vehicle and were less affected by them than any other vehicle, if infantry is being attacked by a Vanguard then one man carrying a jammer will totally neutralize the threat however a BFR could still fire even while jammed and also had the ability to fly away from any fight if it was a flight variant.

Even now after being repeatedly nerfed more than any other vehicle in the game they are still the most prevalent land vehicle out there which goes to say something about how effective they are.
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