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Thread: Gameplay: Faction Marshal
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Old 2011-07-29, 12:34 AM   [Ignore Me] #5
Re: Faction Marshal

Originally Posted by Crazyduckling View Post
Every outfit would vote for someone in their own outfit.

How would you know who the other people are and then be expected to vote?
I'd still propose having a command chat. Commanders know each other through arguing over primary and such; it becomes clear who knows what the hell they're talking about (and who doesn't). People who wanted the job would nominate themselves. Ideally, one per outfit.

Weighing voting against big outfit commanders and using runoff voting would be key. That would insure no one outfit could mass-vote their candidate to the top. Once people cast their BS vote for who the outfit leader told them to, they'd get to put their second vote for someone they actually thought would do the job well. The result is the person most broadly acceptable.
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